Tricross Tyres: 32 to 28

madturkey Posts: 58
edited July 2008 in Road beginners
Folks - a quick question regarding tyre choice. I know there's a lot about (have searched) but can't find anything that gives an answer.

Currently running standard Spesh Crossroads CX tyres (700-32) on my Tricross. Considering moving to Conti Gatorskins (700-28), looking for:

1) A bit more speed
2) Less likely to puncture
3) A bit more grip

No complaints with the CXs but not having ridden another bike I don't know the effects of other tyres.

Would the change be worth it or not? Bike used for relaxed pace training and riding Paris-Geneva later this year. But I do live in London so any rides involve a certain amount of debris! Only likely to do a tiny bit of towpath / gravel action.


  • wiffachip
    wiffachip Posts: 861
    keen to hear any replies to this, considering getting this bike myself if bike to work ever comes in at our place, and the size of the tyres has put me off a bit

    what do you reckon of the bike generally ?
    for me, comfort on long rides would be key
  • madturkey
    madturkey Posts: 58
    As I said, nothing to compare it to really - only other bike I've ever (and I mean ever) ridden is a Spesh Globe hybrid.

    Seems pretty comfy to me though. Longest I've been on it was nearly 4 hours and no undue back / ar$e / hand pain. It's also nice not to have to worry about swerving around poor road surfaces like blokes on thin tyred roadies seem to do.

    Probably not the fastest of bikes, but that's more down to the engine methinks.
  • Gary D
    Gary D Posts: 431
    I have an '06 Tricross and run with 25C Gatorskins on it. They are the narrowest tyre I can fit on my rims (Alex ACE-19) according to the Sheldon calculation.

    I can't say I noticed any more grip when I changed the tyres but they certainly run much faster with less drag. When I had the original Borough 32C tyres on, they used to make so much rolling "noise", my cycling buddy kept looking behind him thinking that there was a car following closely!
    The ride will obviously be a little more lively but not uncomfortable.
    With regards to p*******s, they have been great as I haven't had one.
    Fitting was no problem and I don't need levers to get the tyres back on.

    General comfort on the bike is good. I have done 5 hour rides on mine and it is fine. Changed the saddle to a Spesh Avatar but that is about all on the comfort side.

    Hope this helps.
    Oh and I feel like I've been raped by an Orangutan :shock: And I've got legs like Girders :lol:
  • meanwhile
    meanwhile Posts: 392
    madturkey wrote:
    Folks - a quick question regarding tyre choice. I know there's a lot about (have searched) but can't find anything that gives an answer.

    Currently running standard Spesh Crossroads CX tyres (700-32) on my Tricross. Considering moving to Conti Gatorskins (700-28), looking for:

    1) A bit more speed
    2) Less likely to puncture
    3) A bit more grip

    Based on general tyre knowledge rather than use of a Tricross:

    1. You should see more difference in early-mid acceleration than top speed from switching to a low rolling resistance tyre, which is mostly aero limited. Very valuable and makes the bike feel like a speed demon.

    2. Hard to say. Spesh protection is generally excellent (at the cost of everything else) but tyres with grippy bits can be more inclined to pick sharp things up and hold them while they try to puncture.

    3. Handling should be significantly better on a hard surface, especially in hard turns.

    Other thoughts: my Conti 28mm Sports Contacts are so fast that I'm sorry I didn't buy 32s! Lots more valuable air, and negligible times a bit more is still less than enough to care about.
  • madturkey
    madturkey Posts: 58
    Thanks all - useful comments. Think I will go for the 28s and see what difference it makes.
  • alfablue
    alfablue Posts: 8,497
    I have had poor experience of conti's re punctures (the rubber seems too soft and fairly fragile on conti's, and thats even with their no puncture guarantee), I prefer Spesh all conditions pro's - no punctures in 4000 miles, and they perform well in all conditions (surprisingly!).
  • Bought my Tricross Comp in March & after around 800 miles, I am very happy with the bike. Found it very smooth & it copes well with differing surfaces from smooth roads to bridleways.

    I have to admit to some saddle soreness over long rides (standard Spesh saddle fitted) & my average speed is not great at around 15-16 mph over 60 or 70 mile runs (may be more to do with my fitness level). I too have considered looking at thinner tyres to up my speed on the road, so I will be interested to see if you find any significant difference.

    I am also interested in what type of mudguards & rack are right for the Tricross (planning my first Audax later this year).


    Ride On ...
    Ride On ...
  • phatspider
    phatspider Posts: 25
    Hey - my TC Comp arrives next week. Ive only had mtbs before so its a bit of a change of direction - though ive heard lots of good things about it

    Couple of questions - what woukd you recommend in the way of pedals? Id like the flexibility of being able to ride it with/without proper shoes as i'll be using it for a 3 mile work commute and probably wont bother with clip ins for that - but when i do the longer ride i definitely will want them

    Anything else I should know?
  • I have an 07 Tricross sport and junked the original fit Borough CX tyres (crap p***ture resistance, as I found to my cost) in favour of Bontrager Race-lite Hardcase, also in 700*32c originally. Miles faster and no noticeable change in grip on road (I certainly would'nt use them off road, though!!!!); also no visits from the p***ture fairy in over a year. Subsequently took these off and replaced them with the same in 700c*28, bike is really quite lively now and no regrets whatsoever. The 700*32's are still doing service on Mrs. DF's hybrid, no problems.


    Bontrager Race-lite hardcases, about a tenner a throw at All Terrain Cycles the last time I looked.

    Good luck

  • madturkey
    madturkey Posts: 58
    Well, after much elbow grease and head scratching - this is the first time I've ever changed a tyre - 28c Gatorskins now fitted. And some mudguards (Bontrager 45mm as the black SKS's are out of stock everywhere I looked).

    Wow! Certainly quicker. I'd say I'm turning a gear higher for the same effort :D Not much quicker uphill but I'm blaming that on the extra weight of the guards.

    Ride definitely a bit more lively now, although that might be due to the higher pressure I'm running too. Nearly shook my lights off the bike.