Shorter Ullapool sportive is go!

wakemalcolm Posts: 1,035
Good job too - 130 miles was way too much for me at the end of September. The 65 miler is a better route IMHO. ... m#Ullapool
Cake is just weakness entering the body


  • That 130 miler looks evil! Even on a nice day it looks very tough, and what are the chances of it being good cycling weather? :shock:
  • Noodley
    Noodley Posts: 1,725
    is a better route.

    As is this, for a longer ride:

    Not that I'm biased or anything... :wink:
  • Only 25 entries for the "Beag" so far. Can't be too remote for it's easier to get at than the Bealach Na Ba. Is it fear of the possible weather conditions in Sept, or has everyone who was going to enter already signed up for the "Mor"?
  • wakemalcolm
    wakemalcolm Posts: 1,035
    .....or has there been barely any visible promotional activity. I think a lot of people had decided what their event schedule was before it was launched in July.

    Hopefully, they'll get good weather, the reviews will be good and they'll run it again next year.
    Cake is just weakness entering the body
  • Be good if they could close the single track to Lochinver for the duration. Lots of fantastic fast bends on that stretch. Lack of visibility keeps the adrenaline levels up...
  • ded
    ded Posts: 120
    I'm entered for the Mor, because when it was first advertised that was all that was on offer! (I actually transferred my entry from the Bealach Beag, due to crashing just before that event (not my fault... :( )). Anyway, I agree, the 65 mile course looks better (and much more do-able, even if the weather is rubbish), so I will probably transfer...