Best overtake



  • kettrinboy
    kettrinboy Posts: 613
    A few weeks back I was toiling up Rockingham hill which is 16% at its worst when this lorry carrying horses got just in front of me in the wrong gear and almost stalled it but just about crawled up at about 3 to 4 mph I dont think he dared change down to bottom gear at this point luckily i was on my granny ring and managed 7 mph so was able to overtake him and didnt have to breathe in all the crap that was billowing from his exhaust at 16% gradient its a wonder the horses didnt slide out the back,
  • Marko1962
    Marko1962 Posts: 320
    Well I became part of a flock not too long ago, I was doing 20mph ish along some north Cheshire lanes when I disturbed a flock of birds, the stupid things flew 3 ft of the ground all around me in the same direction and speed for about 15 seconds before peeling away, brownish sparrow sized birds with a go faster stripes and the centre of each wing, looked quite neat when they were gliding they looked like flying V's...

    Sorry not an overtake story but could have been ;)
  • 1892
    1892 Posts: 1,690
    edited June 2008
    Got in a flock of sheep in a country lane slowly overtook them 1 by 1 once I got past them, they turned round and ran the other way.
    Justice for the 96
  • on the road
    on the road Posts: 5,631
    I once overtook 3 horse and carts in a row, I gave them a rather wide berth as they looked a bit out of control on the road.