Cleaning Technique

woodford2barbican Posts: 1,505
edited June 2008 in Commuting chat
When I shower, I always wash my hair first, then move on to my face, then crack, sack, pits, then repeat crack and sack.

I tend to think that the rest can just make do with a rinse - except for special occasions when I will endulge in a full body soap down.

What is your showering routine? Or do you take a bath?


  • spen666
    spen666 Posts: 17,709
    When I shower, I always wash my hair first, then move on to my face, then crack, sack, pits, then repeat crack and sack.

    I tend to think that the rest can just make do with a rinse - except for special occasions when I will endulge in a full body soap down.

    What is your showering routine? Or do you take a bath?

    I make sure I clean the chain first, then the wheel rims, then the frame

    Oh and if there is time left over after doing the above, I lubricate the bike, then have a shower myself
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  • Surf-Matt
    Surf-Matt Posts: 5,952
    Spray off mud, Muc Off and brushes if really dirty, Bike Spray, chain lube (no more than weekly - GT85 if only a mild splattering), leave it, ride it again.

    Oh and shower or bath depending on how cold it is outside.
  • spen666
    spen666 Posts: 17,709
    Surf-Matt wrote:

    Oh and shower or bath depending on how cold it is outside.

    We must be posh as we have our shower and bath inside
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  • Surf-Matt
    Surf-Matt Posts: 5,952

    I'm afraid we are posher as we have two baths and two showers. :wink:
    And 9 sinks :shock: :lol:
  • iainment
    iainment Posts: 992
    When I shower, I always wash my hair first, then move on to my face, then crack, sack, pits, then repeat crack and sack.

    I tend to think that the rest can just make do with a rinse - except for special occasions when I will endulge in a full body soap down.

    What is your showering routine? Or do you take a bath?

    I shampoo hair, then with shampoo from head do my underarm hair and pubes. I have no idea why I do this instead of soaping body hair but......
    Old hippies don't die, they just lie low until the laughter stops and their time comes round again.
    Joseph Gallivan
  • don_don
    don_don Posts: 1,007
    Facing away from shower - Hair, chest, arms, pits, legs, old man and sack. Then turn round and do shoulders back and crack in that order. Then I know I haven't forgotten anything :D

    Don't generally do baths, but I'll use the same sequence standing up, then sit down and rinse off.

    If I'm shaving my sack I'll do that first then go through all of the above :shock:

    Thanks for letting me celebrate my century with this great thread :D
  • don_don
    don_don Posts: 1,007
    Dammit, forgot my face. Looks like I'll have to re-think the whole sodding process :(:(
  • don_don wrote:

    Don't generally do baths, but I'll use the same sequence standing up, then sit down and rinse off.

    That's very interesting - I also use the same order in the bath but had never realised.

    The only concession I make to the bath is that I shampoo my hair and then rinse off using a jug so that I do not have soapy water residue on my hair.

    Baths are not a regular occurence - too time consuming.
  • 9 out of 10 times I take a bath, I found trying to read a book in the shower was fraught with difficulties.
    If you see the candle as flame, the meal is already cooked.
    Photography, Google Earth, Route 30
  • cee
    cee Posts: 4,553
    when im washing my face, i just continue up and finish the rest of the ole bonce with the soap......

    shampoo is a waste of money for folks of my follicular demeanor :D
    Whenever I see an adult on a bicycle, I believe in the future of the human race.

    H.G. Wells.
  • Surf-Matt
    Surf-Matt Posts: 5,952
    cee wrote:
    when im washing my face, i just continue up and finish the rest of the ole bonce with the soap......

    shampoo is a waste of money for folks of my follicular demeanor :D

    Errrmmm - same here! :oops:
  • JoeSoap76
    JoeSoap76 Posts: 109
    I just work from the top down...

    ...oh, and if I've had to get my hands dirty I'll wash my hair twice. A good scrub of the hair gets everything clean between the fingers and under the nails - then another good scrub to get rid of any gunk from the first :wink:
  • According to D Coupland in his novel J-Pod, if you want to get ahead in life (I paraphrase) you should never wash* the fleshy underneath bit between your ballbag and your hole - anatomical name escapes me - anyone out there who can verify this..?

    (* did not specify use of MuckOff or other products)

    BTW I don't think anyone should disagree on this topic with someone called JoeSoap :)
    "Consider the grebe..."
  • prj45
    prj45 Posts: 2,208
    First I wash the grit off me legs if I've ridden in in the rain.

    If I rode home I do this before I step fully into the shower, then jet the grit down the plug hole so it doesn't scratch the bath.

    Then hair, twice, turn shower off to save water, soap arms, under arms, torso, legs, feet, shower back on, sack and crack, then face and ears (possibly thinking about changing to doing face before sack and crack now I 've written this down).

    If I'm at work I strigle myself down with my hands to get as much moisture off of me so my towel has less to suck up (so it has a chance of drying before I use it next).
  • Surf-Matt
    Surf-Matt Posts: 5,952
    Errrrmm - is this thread actually for real?!
  • spen666
    spen666 Posts: 17,709
    Surf-Matt wrote:
    Errrrmm - is this thread actually for real?!

    no, its a virtual thread on the virtual medium known as the internet
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  • Greg T
    Greg T Posts: 3,266
    According to D Coupland in his novel J-Pod, if you want to get ahead in life (I paraphrase) you should never wash* the fleshy underneath bit between your ballbag and your hole - anatomical name escapes me - anyone out there who can verify this..?

    I have it on good anatomical authority that the "missing link" is known as the perineum.

    If this Coupland dude is advising you to leave it alone he's obviously a puritanical self hating self abuser who's ashamed of his furtling tendencies.

    The perineum (Rumble Strip, landing pad, etc etc) should be given special attention regulalrly - by the Frau not the Fuzz. Self "cleaning" is allowable in private - don't mention this activity to your new boss.
    Fixed gear for wet weather / hairy roadie for posing in the sun.

    What would Thora Hurd do?
  • secretsam
    secretsam Posts: 5,122
    This is the most bizarre question I've ever seen on here

    I thought it was about bike cleaning...

    Frankly, now way am I responding. Oops...d'oh! :cry::lol:

    It's just a hill. Get over it.
  • Greg T
    Greg T Posts: 3,266
    SecretSam wrote:
    Frankly, now way am I responding. Oops...d'oh! :cry::lol:

    That's what you get for messing with the Rumble Strip Sam - Involuntary response.

    I intended my post to inform - not instruct.
    Fixed gear for wet weather / hairy roadie for posing in the sun.

    What would Thora Hurd do?
  • el_presidente
    el_presidente Posts: 1,963
    Greg T wrote:
    I have it on good anatomical authority that the "missing link" is known as the perineum.

    Also known in ladies as "the Humber Bridge" (copyright Roger's Profanisaurus (Viz)), as one end smells of fish and the other smells of sh*t (i.e. Grimsby & Hull, connected by said bridge)