Ball Girl Makes Incredible Catch *Watch and be Amazed*


  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,723
    HA HA....Awesome!!!!

    I don't care how real it is!!!
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • McBain_v1
    McBain_v1 Posts: 5,237
    :D Did you see the sickened-look on that bloke's face :!:

    What do I ride? Now that's an Enigma!
  • 1892
    1892 Posts: 1,690
    She goes up the wall like a cat up a tree :lol:
    Justice for the 96
  • V-twin
    V-twin Posts: 49
    Not my cat. He needs to be roped and with crampons on all four feet.... 8)

    mox senex dormit
  • nwallace
    nwallace Posts: 1,465
    I still haven't figured out how to climb walls like that in Super Mario Galaxy
    Do Nellyphants count?

    Commuter: FCN 9
    Cheapo Roadie: FCN 5
    Off Road: FCN 11

    +1 when I don't get round to shaving for x days
  • johny c
    johny c Posts: 256

    I wanted to believe it myself. But when I showed it to another forum, someone posted this:
  • bobpzero
    bobpzero Posts: 1,431
    its trinity in her younger days