Velomann 23 function computer

Posts: 1,165
Does anyone use this computer? I'm looking for a cycling specific computer with heart rate and cadence. I looked at the wintech but found this on amazon for 60 quid. Is there a computer available with heart rate, cadence and altimeter?
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Hi Drew,
I havent encountered the Velomann 23 but I recently looked for something similar and found that the Trek ACH provided the features you are looking for. Problem was finding some one who had one, settled for the Trek Link Team which is very similar but does not have the altimeter function.
Quite expensive for a non PC linked system, but works well. One warning though the Instructions are appalling.0 -
The Blackburn Neuro 6.0 has all the features you need, haven't got one myself so can't comment on its performance I'm afraid.
See 7
Aravis Audax, Moulton TSR0