Pinarello - Trevisco - has anyone been

steelem Posts: 199
edited July 2008 in Pro race
Just wondering if anyone has been to trevisco & wondering is the pinarello shop open ??? if so do they offer big dicsounts on there bikes ie the paris/prince??? help would be much appreciated


  • mm1
    mm1 Posts: 1,063
    Don't know about discounts, but the last time I was there Giovanni asked if I could see anything that I liked and I was very close to asking what he'd be prepared to offer in exchange for my children!

    In terms of stock, there's loads of UK shops that are smarter, but worth going for the history (pictures of Fausto and big Mig, never mind that Dario Pegoretti built Mig's frames when he was riding on steel). Very easy to find, just ask in the Tourist Information office which is just behind the Piazza del Signori (where you will find a good pizza restaurant which is popular with brits flying Ryan Air - that's not much of a recommendation is it...). On the way to the Pinarello shop (assuming you are on foot), there is a marvelous fish restaurant and a few good bars, with much less chance of bumping into anyone who flew in from Stanstead!

    One of the coolest things about Treviso is the number of ordinary people riding lovely (old) steel frame flat bar Pinarellos - can't beat an italian steel frame with lots of chrome and nice paint.
  • andyp
    andyp Posts: 10,573
    They are running a business not some heritage service so they don't offer discounts. They are very nice people though.
  • steelem
    steelem Posts: 199
    so ar eyou all saying there are no savings
  • oldwelshman
    oldwelshman Posts: 4,733
    I have been a few times.
    I can confirm they are very nice and also very friendly but at times very disorganised :D
    You will save on import duties shipping and cut out yellows cut of profit if you do as I did, fly out to get measured up and then go back 3 months lkater to collect bike.
    Trouble is the eauro is now strong!!