Another mtb injury - advice please!!

miss notax
miss notax Posts: 2,572
Hello :D

I havn't posted for a while as been super busy with other hobbies (namely rally driving!) but went out riding last night and had a quality comedy head first fall and have skinned / grazed / cut a patch of my lower arm by my elbow :?

I've picked all the bits out - well, as much as I can find - but it still bloody well hurts and won't stop bleeding and weeping (yuck). There are a couple of deepish cuts and the whole area is about the size of a credit card :(

I generally work on the theory that the best remedy is to let the air get to these things, but it bloody well stings and i'm not sure if there is anything else that I can do!!! Any suggestions?

Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the number of moments that take your breath away....

Riding a gorgeous ano orange Turner Burner!

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  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    I did a similar thing while drunk a couple of years ago, made a right mess of my arm! They do have a habit of oozing a bit, so I think a light clean dressing, regularly changed, and wiping with antiseptic wipes will speed recovery. However there are things to look out for: ... ticleId=2#
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    did this last saturday, stings like buggery every time I catch my arm on something.
    i just let "the air" get to it as you say :D

    First couple of days were worst, when I'd catch it, and loose a tiny bit of scab from the surface, then it would seep a bit, and weld to the inside of my jumper's sleeve - ouch.
  • miss notax
    miss notax Posts: 2,572
    Thanks - good to know i'm not the only one!

    I actually wonder if I havn't got loads of mud / grit stuck in it - it's stinging so much it's actually making me feel quite icky :? (and i'm definitely no girlie wimp before anyone thinks otherwise!)
    Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the number of moments that take your breath away....

    Riding a gorgeous ano orange Turner Burner!

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  • 3wheeler
    3wheeler Posts: 110
    I'd be interested to hear any professionals advice on this (any doctor or nurse MTBers?) I did a similar thing on my leg last year and this biggest problem seems that getting it wet prolongs the healing time. I'd always favoured the let the air get to it approach but when I did a bit of reading that seemed to say keep it covered as it will heal better and importantly less likely to scar.

    I've used some of the those pads that don't stick to the cut and tape. The biggest problem is taking a shower without getting it wet!
  • miss notax
    miss notax Posts: 2,572
    Yep, i'd be interested to know the 'official' advice!

    My other half has suggested that I go to see the pharmacist at lunchtime as I am feeling a quite pants - not sure if I also walloped my head last night or what :(
    Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the number of moments that take your breath away....

    Riding a gorgeous ano orange Turner Burner!

    Sponsor the CC2CC at
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    A good dressing will allow the air to get through. Bacteria thrive in sealed conditions with no oxygen. If worried about getting wet in the shower - wrap in cling film!
  • lexiekay
    lexiekay Posts: 379
    My knee is still really hurting after cutting/bruising it last week. But I was feeling pretty rough for the next couple of days actually - sick and stuff, not sure if that was the result of the injury or not though!
    Hope you feel better soon
  • miss notax
    miss notax Posts: 2,572
    Thanks Lexiekay :D

    How did you hurt your leg?
    Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the number of moments that take your breath away....

    Riding a gorgeous ano orange Turner Burner!

    Sponsor the CC2CC at
  • lexiekay
    lexiekay Posts: 379
    usual story im afraid, coming down the descent at cwmcarn and the front wheel hit a loose rock and skidded out from under me... as a result im now the proud owner of some flash new knee pads (better late than never i suppose :lol: )
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    3wheeler wrote:
    keep it covered as it will heal better and importantly less likely to scar.
    but scars are cool! :lol:
  • miss notax
    miss notax Posts: 2,572
    3wheeler wrote:
    keep it covered as it will heal better and importantly less likely to scar.
    but scars are cool! :lol:

    On girls?!!
    Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the number of moments that take your breath away....

    Riding a gorgeous ano orange Turner Burner!

    Sponsor the CC2CC at
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    edited June 2008

    to clarify, I, being generally a muddy bugger who likes playing outdoors :lol: am not really attracted to the "girly girls" with their 3 inch layer of makeup, and perfectly styled hair and designer clothes.
    I'd much rather an woman who treats looks as secondary to having fun, and a few MTBing scars are almost like a clan marking to us lot :D
    It's like a beacon that screams "we'll probably get on just fine"!!
  • miss notax
    miss notax Posts: 2,572
    Excellent :lol:
    Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the number of moments that take your breath away....

    Riding a gorgeous ano orange Turner Burner!

    Sponsor the CC2CC at
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    just clarified my point :!:
  • miss notax
    miss notax Posts: 2,572

    It's a good job that my other half also thinks in a similar way (especially given the state of me most of the time - covered in paint from DIY, bloody from mountain biking or bruises from rallying! :lol: )
    Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the number of moments that take your breath away....

    Riding a gorgeous ano orange Turner Burner!

    Sponsor the CC2CC at
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    :shock: Sound like my kind of lass!

    If you ever find yourself single gimme a call :lol:
  • miss notax
    miss notax Posts: 2,572
    Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the number of moments that take your breath away....

    Riding a gorgeous ano orange Turner Burner!

    Sponsor the CC2CC at
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    I've only just sat down to watch the WRC coverage from sunday!
    Big rally fan, big MTB fan, consantly coverered in bruises and scars! brilliant :D
  • miss notax
    miss notax Posts: 2,572
    Rallying is brilliant fun (I co-drive) - nothing like reading a map at 100mph over rough terrain in a rattling mobile sauna that stinks of petrol :wink:

    Love it :D
    Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the number of moments that take your breath away....

    Riding a gorgeous ano orange Turner Burner!

    Sponsor the CC2CC at