Cycling Clubs - South West London

Compton77 Posts: 139
Does anyone have any info on cycling clubs in SW London? I'm based in Tooting and normally go for long rides on Sundays on my own. Quite happy sweating away singularly though it'd be great to get involved with a club. Any info appreciated..


  • urrrrrrrrrs
    urrrrrrrrrs Posts: 478
    well i joined last july and it was the right move,they,ve helped me go from a fat 21st 9lbs tub of lard to a more respectible 16st 3 lb matchstick and am just about to thr Etape Du Tour in 19 days time ,really friendly bunch always people willing to go rides ad hoc and good monday night pub sessions (although aint been for a dew weeks i'm in training :wink: ) will be back on July 14th (a year after i joined)

    8th March 2010,Spain ,Here I come !!!!!!
  • Rich-Ti
    Rich-Ti Posts: 1,831
    I'm SW London based mid week and about to finish building my bike if a riding buddy is of any use to you? Should be fully up and running next week and I'm near Mortlake station - PM me if you want to hook up for a spin 8)

    Otherwise I may well try Kingston Wheelers myself :)
  • Kingston Wheelers has the reputation of being the friendliest club in SW London, but be aware we now have over 180 members!

    However everyone tries to be friendly...except i don't know who 'urrrrrrrrs" is :) (is that the right number of rrrrrs?

    Give it a try, 9.00am on Sunday's near the Laithwaites on Portsmouth Road. You can either join one of the "Club Run" pace rides or go with the horribly young ,skinny, fit crew who do a training ride... its not difficult to geuss which i do.

    Say hello if you come along.

    17 years commuting up and down the King\'s Road and i still don\'t get faster...
  • clanton
    clanton Posts: 1,289
    Chris what sort of speed do the whippets go at?
  • 'speed of light"?

    I think they average about 28-30km including 2 to 3 three hills.

    The Club Run group will average nearer 24 km (not including tea and cake stop).
    17 years commuting up and down the King\'s Road and i still don\'t get faster...
  • MIsterGoof
    MIsterGoof Posts: 128
    Another one for Kingston Wheelers, the fast group went out about 20mph this Sunday, I don't think its normally that quick, but what do I know, I'm still bringing up the back on the slow group
  • Compton77
    Compton77 Posts: 139
    Thanks guys, sounds perfect for what i want, might be an idea to start in the Club Run, i'm reasonably fit but have never ridden in a group before so could do with the experience and if i get my confidence up maybe i could try the training runs.

    Chris - Do i need to get my membership before coming along?

    Rich T - i'm definitely in need of a riding buddy, so i'll drop you a PM with my contact details and maybe we could go out for a few miles together?
  • urrrrrrrrrs
    urrrrrrrrrs Posts: 478
    However everyone tries to be friendly...except i don't know who 'urrrrrrrrs" is :) (is that the right number of rrrrrs?


    Ahem, does the name gezza ring any bells??? :wink:

    you dont need to be a member to start with,everything you need to know is on their website

    8th March 2010,Spain ,Here I come !!!!!!

    He's everywhere...bikeradar, cyclechat, KW, i've heard stories from those who have ridden with him...and i've even sponsored him. But never met him or caught his cab...
    17 years commuting up and down the King\'s Road and i still don\'t get faster...
  • urrrrrrrrrs
    urrrrrrrrrs Posts: 478
    they seek him here,they seek him there,they seek hum every F*****G where !!!!!!!! :D:D

    8th March 2010,Spain ,Here I come !!!!!!
  • caw35slr
    caw35slr Posts: 439
    > Otherwise I may well try Kingston Wheelers myself

    Rich, I thoroughly recommend it. I live 2 minutes walk from Mortlake. It takes me about 20 fairly leasurely minutes to ride to the Kingston Wheelers meeting point on the Portsmouth Road south of Kingston.

    Everybody congregates at about 0900 on Sundays and groups form up fairly naturally after than depending on what people want to do. My commute from Mortlake plus the "standard" Ranmore Common/Box Hill conversational-pace run adds up to pretty well bang on 50 miles door to door.

    There's usually something for everybody. Just turn up and ride!
  • Rich-Ti
    Rich-Ti Posts: 1,831
    caw35slr wrote:
    > Otherwise I may well try Kingston Wheelers myself

    Rich, I thoroughly recommend it. I live 2 minutes walk from Mortlake. It takes me about 20 fairly leasurely minutes to ride to the Kingston Wheelers meeting point on the Portsmouth Road south of Kingston.
    Good stuff - I currently go back to Worthing (Sussex) at the weekends but planning to stay in the Mortlake / East Sheen / Richmond area more permanently very soon so maybe we can arrange to meet at Mortlake station one Sunday once I've moved? 8)
  • Compton 77,

    Sorry only just spotted your question.

    No you don't need to be a member just two things:

    1) try and ensure your bike is in good nick and you have spare tube etc. The ethos is to wait for anyone with mechanical problems, and consequently riders are asked to ensure that they have preparations for any problem.

    2) after a few rides, it would be polite to sign up. But no pressure.

    17 years commuting up and down the King\'s Road and i still don\'t get faster...
  • Compton77
    Compton77 Posts: 139
    Thanks Chris - I am having a few niggles with my bike at present, hopefully being sorted by my LBS on Monday, i'm hoping to come out with you lot next Sunday!

    Thanks for the info.
  • If you're ever in North West London, I'll give a heads-up for The Gregarios Superclub Ciclista.
  • bigmat
    bigmat Posts: 5,134
    How about Bec CC - Tooting's own club. I've never seen one of theirs on the road and nobody ever seems to mention them, but I've been assured they do exist!
  • cjcp
    cjcp Posts: 13,345
    FCN 2-4.

    "What happens when the hammer goes down, kids?"
    "It stays down, Daddy."
  • Mark73
    Mark73 Posts: 146
    Hi Compton77 - I am South West London bod too and have ridden with both the Kingston Wheelers and and Dulwich Paragon (they meet in Crystal Palace). Both clubs seem really friendly and head out on some nice routes. I haven't made the jump and joined either yet as I have only been out on a couple of rides.

    In the last few months I have mainly been riding with a few guys off this forum (quite a few of them seem to ride with The Dynamo BTW). Rich-Ti who has already introduced himself is a star and organises some great rides (look out for his RPCC threads) and there is normally about 3/4 guys minimum on the rides. I am still getting my head round their routes, but they have some top routes/loops out to the Surrey hills. Look out for the threads and then just turn up and ride (they are a really friendly bunch).

    I came off my bike today and knackered/cracked my ribs, so I will be out of action for a week or two but when I have mended I would be happy to head out for a ride with you. In the meantime keep us posted.