50 mile Great Nottinghamshire Bike Ride

feel Posts: 800
Anyone know if there are any / many big hills on the course? I have a route map for it but not a contour map of the area.
We are born with the dead:
See, they return, and bring us with them.


  • BeaconRuth
    BeaconRuth Posts: 2,086
    If it's the same route they used to use in 1991, when I last did it, then no. Back then the route went to Newark and back. Can't remember a singe hill of note - but I suppose it was a long time ago!

  • feel
    feel Posts: 800
    thanks Ruth - needed to know cos i'm taking my lad who has never been further than 20 miles - mind he is fit and beats me up the steep hills.
    We are born with the dead:
    See, they return, and bring us with them.
  • BeaconRuth
    BeaconRuth Posts: 2,086
    Well, of all the 50 mile rides you could do, I'd say it is one of the easiest. Any idea how many they have doing it these days? I seem to remember about 4000 was the number 17 years ago.

  • Stedman
    Stedman Posts: 377
    There is a moderate climb out of Radcliffe on Trent, but I regard this as a flat event and you certainly will not need to use a granny ring at any time!


    It is still a big event, but with more rides this year including the 100, there should be many more riders. The 18 mile event appears to be the most popular.