Richmond Park Loop 1st timer - route and direction?!

Rich-Ti Posts: 1,831
I'm hoping to finish my new build shortly after the weekend in time to do a few laps of Richmond Park on one or two evenings next week.

I will come into the park from East Sheen Gate - which direction do I go from there, towards Richmond Gate then Kingston, Robin Hood & Roehampton, or towards Roehampton Gate, Robin Hood, Kingston then Richmond? Or does it not make a lot of difference?! :shock:

Sorry for being a simpleton, just don't wanna look stupid on my first time round! :oops: :lol:

If you're there, I'll be the one on the Omega, probably on Wednesday evening - feel free to test me if you fly past and I look like I'm not trying hard enough! :lol:


  • richa
    richa Posts: 1,632
    Either way works.  Whatever takes the mood.However, anti-clockwise means less grief at roundabouts.Enjoy...
  • biondino
    biondino Posts: 5,990
    Do both, see which you like more. Anti-clockwise seems less punishing to me - I start at Roehampton Gate so I have the tricky uphill bit over the first couple of miles and then it's all straightforward apart from the hill up from Kingston Gate
  • Gavin Gilbert
    Gavin Gilbert Posts: 4,019
    Broomfield Hill is a drag whichever way you take it. I prefer climbing Test Hill from Kingston Gate, so I tend to go anti-clockwise too.

    Apologies for the distressing sight of a fat **** in an Archer RC jersey plodding around, but I've only just got back on the road since my prattfall in February. The Park is my regular loop.

    And beware the bastards in blue (I'm not talking about the Parks Police :twisted: )