Sportive Insurance

Recently I've been reading a few forum messages that mention Sportive Insurance taken out by the organisers. Can someone clarify for me what this Insurance normally covers? Is it solely to cover the Sportive organiser, or does the rider also get cover under some circumstances (eg. public liability insurance for riders doing the event, or needing medical treatment).

I've entered a fair few Sportives and I've never seen anything giving specific details (although I haven't previously thought to look).

Oh, and no, I haven't done anything 'wrong' !
Why the name? Like the Hobbit I don't shave my legs


  • andy_wrx
    andy_wrx Posts: 3,396
    I think it covers the organiser, plus third-party claims against a rider (e.g. if you collided with a motorist or pedestrian unconnected with the sportive, or another rider on it)

    But it wouldn't cover any of your own costs/losses, like medical fees, loss-of-earnings, damage to your own bike, etc.

    Here's some sales blurb from Cyclosport
  • Thanks - that helps clear up things in my mind.
    Why the name? Like the Hobbit I don't shave my legs
  • biondino
    biondino Posts: 5,990
    On a similar note, can someone say what I am and am not insured for by joining the CTC. For example, the charity bike ride to Paris next month requires me to have insurance - is the CTC membership enough?
