Your rants here.



  • always_tyred
    always_tyred Posts: 4,965
    Imagine that one of the three little piggie's houses was a caravan. Well, if it was driven away from the big bad wolf fast enough, it wouldn't get blown down. Plus the little piggy would be miles away and therefore would also be safe from getting eaten.

    All in all, therefore, tail winds are good.

    (if Chewbacca lived on Endor, you must acquit)
  • linsen
    linsen Posts: 1,959
    [quote="Always Tyred"

    All in all, therefore, tail winds are good.[/quote]

    I know that bit.

    Emerging from under a big black cloud. All help welcome
  • jopari
    jopari Posts: 84
    On friday night was approaching a lorry which had been blown off the road (possibly blown off anyway) and was teetering off the pavement with about half of it on the road. Rescue trucks and vans were parked protecting it on the road, lights flashing. So I looked round and let a car overtake before sticking my hand out and moving in to middle of road to overtake, a coach was behind me by 20 yards or so.

    There was traffic coming the other way, yet the coach still overtook me, giving me a metre or so's room as we both overtook the accident!

    I got his number, but haven't reported it to the company yet.

    Made me very cross, but to my embarassment I only shouted out " you looney!", not the harshest of cusses.
    Cannondale R800 - Dry
    Kona Honky Tonk - Wet
    '96 GT Outpost - Kids on back
    Genesis Core 120 - Mud
    Raleigh Pro Race - Shop
  • downfader
    downfader Posts: 3,686
    Busses. Having to ride the bus to work. What a pain - never on time, standing in the cold, they smell...

    Lost my rag with some plank last night on youtube. - I had to go back and edit it, lol! Strangely they've not responded. What gets me is how can they tell if you're riding or walking? They dont see your legs in these videos. :roll:
  • iain_j
    iain_j Posts: 1,941
    I'm used to having an odd near-miss on the way to work but this morning was ridiculous - FOUR close shaves - it's only a 3 mile ride FFS!

    1. Going round a long right-hand bend, past a side road on the left, a woman in a car in that side road waits until I'm almost passing in front of her before pulling out on me. I was already turning to the right on the bend and I had to swerve sharp right to avoid the stupid bint - thought I was going to go down in the middle of a busy rush-hour road.

    2. Going straight on at a crossroad, I had right of way, one car waiting on each side. No other traffic about. Both drivers are looking towards me. Both wait until I'm right at the junction before pulling out - they then meet each other in the middle, stop suddenly, I nearly go into them.

    3. Approaching a pedestrian crossing down a long shallow hill, lots of people waiting on both sides, I'm a way off yet and no other traffic abouts. Pedestrians are still on the pavement, watching me. Pedestrians wait until I'm right upon them before stepping out en-masse.

    4. Going down the empty inside lane of a long queue of traffic, one of those vehicles stuck in the outside lane is an ambulance. Ambulance (not evidently on an emergency - no blue lights or sirens) suddenly swings into the inside lane to jump the queue as I'm alongside, forcing me to take evasive action into the kerb.

    What is wrong with everyone today! :twisted:
  • girv73
    girv73 Posts: 842
    whyamihere wrote:
    p(actually roe, but I don't have a roe button)

    I think you mean 'rho'. 'roe' is fish eggs. Drag is proportional to fish eggs?

    Bl**dy students :roll: (see, that's a rant, it's on topic)

    Sorry, I just wanted to type "drag is proportional to fish eggs" :lol:
    Today is a good day to ride
  • whyamihere
    whyamihere Posts: 7,719
    girv73 wrote:

    I think you mean 'rho'. 'roe' is fish eggs. Drag is proportional to fish eggs?

    Bl**dy students :roll: (see, that's a rant, it's on topic)

    Sorry, I just wanted to type "drag is proportional to fish eggs" :lol:
    You are correct. I've never actually had to write it in that form before, I always just use the greek letter...
  • always_tyred
    always_tyred Posts: 4,965
    iain_j wrote:
    I'm used to having an odd near-miss on the way to work but this morning was ridiculous - FOUR close shaves - it's only a 3 mile ride FFS!

    1. Going round a long right-hand bend, past a side road on the left, a woman in a car in that side road waits until I'm almost passing in front of her before pulling out on me. I was already turning to the right on the bend and I had to swerve sharp right to avoid the stupid bint - thought I was going to go down in the middle of a busy rush-hour road.

    2. Going straight on at a crossroad, I had right of way, one car waiting on each side. No other traffic about. Both drivers are looking towards me. Both wait until I'm right at the junction before pulling out - they then meet each other in the middle, stop suddenly, I nearly go into them.

    3. Approaching a pedestrian crossing down a long shallow hill, lots of people waiting on both sides, I'm a way off yet and no other traffic abouts. Pedestrians are still on the pavement, watching me. Pedestrians wait until I'm right upon them before stepping out en-masse.

    4. Going down the empty inside lane of a long queue of traffic, one of those vehicles stuck in the outside lane is an ambulance. Ambulance (not evidently on an emergency - no blue lights or sirens) suddenly swings into the inside lane to jump the queue as I'm alongside, forcing me to take evasive action into the kerb.

    What is wrong with everyone today! :twisted:
    You shouldn't have worn the cloak that Gandalf and the elves entrusted to you for your quest.
  • itboffin
    itboffin Posts: 20,076
    Fellow cyclists who don't acknowledge you... twats...!
    Rule #5 // Harden The Feck Up.
    Rule #9 // If you are out riding in bad weather, it means you are a badass. Period.
    Rule #12 // The correct number of bikes to own is n+1.
    Rule #42 // A bike race shall never be preceded with a swim and/or followed by a run.
  • linsen
    linsen Posts: 1,959
    I would agree with that, though I get acknowledged more on my road bike than on the MTB
    Emerging from under a big black cloud. All help welcome
  • always_tyred
    always_tyred Posts: 4,965
    itboffin wrote:
    Fellow cyclists who don't acknowledge you... twats...!
  • Kieran_Burns
    Kieran_Burns Posts: 9,757


    I failed to acknowledge due to concentrating on the road while avoiding multiple pot-holes and lumps, bumps and divots.

    Sometimes, the guy going the other way may be busy.... :?
    Chunky Cyclists need your love too! :-)
    2009 Specialized Tricross Sport
    2011 Trek Madone 4.5
    2012 Felt F65X
    Proud CX Pervert and quiet roadie. 12 mile commuter
  • downfader
    downfader Posts: 3,686


    I failed to acknowledge due to concentrating on the road while avoiding multiple pot-holes and lumps, bumps and divots.

    Sometimes, the guy going the other way may be busy.... :?

    Same here. Its not because I'm snubbing you, but more down to others unpredicatable nature on the road. :oops:
  • always_tyred
    always_tyred Posts: 4,965


    I failed to acknowledge due to concentrating on the road while avoiding multiple pot-holes and lumps, bumps and divots.

    Sometimes, the guy going the other way may be busy.... :?
    Granted, but its generally possible to tell the difference. Besides, the more "serious" the cyclist, the less likely it seems that a hello will be returned. Bang goes that theory.
  • Kieran_Burns
    Kieran_Burns Posts: 9,757
    The guy i failed to acknowledge this evening was a fully kitted roadie, who I just caught out the corner of my eye raising his hand to say to 'hi' just as i was in the middle of a rough patch.

    By the time I got sorted he was gone (and i felt bad :cry: )

    There are a couple of other full-kit roadie types who I see off and on and they ALWAYS raise a hand or nod as we pass.

    However - in support of the theory. There are clearly types who SEE you and BLANK you. Now they ARE twats. :?
    Chunky Cyclists need your love too! :-)
    2009 Specialized Tricross Sport
    2011 Trek Madone 4.5
    2012 Felt F65X
    Proud CX Pervert and quiet roadie. 12 mile commuter
  • edhornby
    edhornby Posts: 1,741
    I muust admit I've found it difficult to wave recently but it's genuinely because I'm concentrating on a million other things concerned with staying on the bike.... it's freezing cold, poor road surfaces with potholes, lines of cars, dark, ice and sliding rear wheel, pedestrians and buses, lights.....
    "I get paid to make other people suffer on my wheel, how good is that"
    --Jens Voight
  • always_tyred
    always_tyred Posts: 4,965
    The guy i failed to acknowledge this evening was a fully kitted roadie, who I just caught out the corner of my eye raising his hand to say to 'hi' just as i was in the middle of a rough patch.

    By the time I got sorted he was gone (and i felt bad :cry: )

    There are a couple of other full-kit roadie types who I see off and on and they ALWAYS raise a hand or nod as we pass.

    However - in support of the theory. There are clearly types who SEE you and BLANK you. Now they ARE twats. :?

    Yes, I think that saying hello wastes energy and slows you down so is not the way to go for the most serious roadies. Same as hairy legs.

    Actually - this reminds me of a freak encounter I had near Biggar with an alarmingly muscular chap who was either (a) Chris Hoy or (b) Craig McLean. Said chap was riding in TT position with 4 spoke carbon wheels and left me for absolute dead. Its not unknown (though not that common :x ) for me to be left for dead.. I've been passed by team GB mtbers training and its not THAT humiliating.... but this guy was seriously quick and it really was humbling.

    The point? Well, he slowed down as he came past, said hello, asked me where I'd cycled from, I did the same and off he went. From this I surmise that the aloof "Lance Armstrong doesn't show emotion so neither will I" sh!t is not strictly necessary.
  • Folk wearing iPods while commuting.

    Folk wearing iPods while commuting and blasting through red lights at a crossroads with traffic coming from the left and right.

    The guy this morning who I overtook, then he caught up at the lights, got off and walked across with the green man, got back on the bike and cycled off, the lights went to green, I over took him again, then he caught up at the lights, got off and walked across with the green man, got back on the bike and cycled off, the lights went to green, I over took him again, then he caught up at the lights, got off and walked across with the green man, got back on the bike and cycled off, the lights went to green, I over took him again, then he caught up at the lights, got off and walked across with the green man, got back on the bike and cycled off, the lights went to green, I over took him again, then he caught up at the lights, got off and walked across with the green man, got back on the bike and cycled off, the lights went to green, I over took him again, then he caught up at the lights, got off and walked across with the green man, got back on the bike and cycled off, the lights went to green, I over took him again, then he caught up at the lights, got off and walked across with the green man, got back on the bike and cycled off, the lights went to green, I over took him again, then he caught up at the lights, got off and walked across with the green man, got back on the bike and cycled off, the lights went to green, I over took him again, then he caught up at the lights, got off and walked across with the green man, got back on the bike and cycled off, the lights went to green, I over took him again, then he caught up at the lights, got off and walked across with the green man, got back on the bike and cycled off, the lights went to green, I over took him again, then he caught up at the lights, got off and walked across with the green man, got back on the bike and cycled off, the lights went to green, I over took him again, then he caught up at the lights, got off and walked across with the green man, got back on the bike and cycled off, the lights went to green, I over took him again, then he caught up at the lights, got off and walked across with the green man, got back on the bike and cycled off, the lights went to green, I over took him again, then he caught up at the lights, got off and walked across with the green man, got back on the bike and cycled off, the lights went to green, I over took him again, then he caught up at the lights, got off and walked across with the green man, got back on the bike and cycled off, the lights went to green, I over took him again

    etc etc
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Stupid berk this morning pulling out onto main road. Could he not see my bright orange jacket and light flashing?

    And the idiot who cut me up to get to a crossroads, then braked in front of me before the junction.

  • always_tyred
    always_tyred Posts: 4,965
    Is it the quicktime format you object to, or does your rant extend to mp3's? :lol:
  • downfader
    downfader Posts: 3,686
    Is it the quicktime format you object to, or does your rant extend to mp3's? :lol:

    I hate lossey formats like mp3, but anyway, thats a different rant. :wink:
  • iain_j
    iain_j Posts: 1,941
    RLJ'ers that ride so slowly anyway that once I've waited for the lights to go green I catch them up again in 100 yards, then have to get past them in busy traffic (going too slowly to stay behind without thinking it would be faster to get off and walk) then they catch and pass at the next red light.

    ESPECIALLY the ones who dive at high speed through the gap between me and cars stopped at lights. Especially when I'm just stopping/just starting off again and therefore catching me off balance.

    And a third rant on myself tonight for not being very good at job interviews, still :twisted:
  • BoardinBob wrote:
    The guy this morning who I overtook, then he caught up at the lights, got off and walked across with the green man, got back on the bike and cycled off, the lights went to green, I over took him again, then he caught up at the lights, got off and walked across with the green man, got back on the bike and cycled off, the lights went to green, I over took him again, then he caught up at the lights, got off and walked across with the green man, got back on the bike and cycled off, the lights went to green, I over took him again, then he caught up at the lights, got off and walked across with the green man, got back on the bike and cycled off, the lights went to green, I over took him again, then he caught up at the lights,
    etc etc

    Who else read most of that before realising and wishing they'd skipped to the bottom?

    Anyone? anyone? no? ...just me then :oops:

  • Who else read most of that before realising and wishing they'd skipped to the bottom?

    Anyone? anyone? no? ...just me then :oops:
    I skipped it, then went back to read it all just to check :?

  • Who else read most of that before realising and wishing they'd skipped to the bottom?

    Anyone? anyone? no? ...just me then :oops:


    Imagine how frustrating it was when it was happening
  • downfader
    downfader Posts: 3,686
    Standing waiting for the bus this morning (I hate the bus :x ) and watching this fella, probably in his 50s, no lights and its still dark, just sail through 2 red lights on Bursledon road and turn down Kathleen. Not a good idea - lots of unpredicatable boy racers, and hgvs up and down there at that time.

    The guy will be mash potato oneday.
  • Hmfph. Ignored for the 2nd morning in a row by man on bike going downhill while I manage a cheery smile and "good morning" whilst pushing up Greenham Hill.

    It wouldn't be so irritating if he weren't the only cyclist I see on my commute.
    FCN 10
  • prj45 wrote:
    A classic yesterday morning.

    Taking primary around the south side of traf square, coming up from the Mall and heading round to the Strand.

    As usual a car in the wrong lane to the right of me sticks his bonnet into my lane, but I'm there (signalling clearly I was staying in the lane by pointing at it) so he can't go any futher. The cars in front of him clear so he literally whacks his foot down and as fast as he can accelerates and undertakes me, half in my lane, giving me about an inch as he cuts across in front of me to get in lane to turn left up the east side of traf square.

    I have to take avoidance action.

    I half instinctively reach out, half hold my arm out as a warning half to steady myself against the impending collision, and put my hand on his roof (he was that close).

    Brakes, screech and he stops in the middle of the road about 15 meters in front of me (that's how long it took him to stop sharply). As I approach he's wound his window down but obviously changed his mind and decided he was getting out. He took his seatbelt off and as I stand by the side of his car as he gets out.

    Initially I thought he was going to clock me but I stand my ground (I'm 6"4', I think he would've had a go if I was shorter, but I visibly saw him shrink after he stood up). He was incredibly angry (some of which was probably to do with him getting trapped originally and some of it after I touched his car, and probably some of it he had already been carrying in the morning).


    I calmly explained what he had done (undertaken me and given me an inch when he cut me up and been very agressive), but he continues screaming about me scratching his car.

    Seriously, his reaction was as if I'd shoved him, rather than put my hand on his car.

    After repeatadly telling him what he did he seems to calm down, and gets back in his car and I finish off by saying "calm down, slow down, be less aggressive". He accelerates past me, not as hard as he originally did though.

    The irony is that had I not taken avoidance action he probably WOULD had scratches all down the side of his car after I'd skipped down the side of it, possibly some skin and blood too.

    I was hoping to catch him on the Strand to have another word but he went off up Charing Cross road. I'd love to know what he was thinking when he finally did properly calm down.

    I'm seriously impressed. I'm not 6ft 4 (more 5ft 11 but 14 st). When he got out of the car and shouted "Don't touch my car" how DID YOU NOT rest your arm on his roof and drum your fingers while explaining what he'd done wrong :D The temptation would simply have been too great for me :twisted: . You of course took the right action as my response would simply have been provocative. I must go practice my self control :wink:
    Pain is only weakness leaving the body
  • Imagine that one of the three little piggie's houses was a caravan. Well, if it was driven away from the big bad wolf fast enough, it wouldn't get blown down. Plus the little piggy would be miles away and therefore would also be safe from getting eaten.

    All in all, therefore, tail winds are good.

    Interesting that you are all applying science to this issue. Aren't tailwinds like God. There is no proof that they exist, you simply have to believe. I, I'm sorry to say, am a non-beliver
    Pain is only weakness leaving the body
  • girv73
    girv73 Posts: 842
    Not really a rant as I wasn't too annoyed, but this morning I had an old feller shout abuse at me as I went past. "Look out! Look out! Cyclist about!" :roll: I think he may have been annoyed that I dared cycle on the road near to where he was walking :? I was going to go back and ask "You got something to say to me mate?", but it was a one way street and didn't want to give him any ammunition. I'll just put it down to him missing his brain pills this morning. Ah well.
    Today is a good day to ride