Etape du Tour: getting to the start

treviso Posts: 2
I'm staying in Lourdes and plan to cycle to Pau on the morning. Has anyone ever cycled between Pau and Lourdes? Is it flat? Is may not be the best idea but do you thinks its feasible to do 40km in the dark and get there before 7am?


  • Are you mad? :shock:

    I think you probably want to preserve as much energy as you can, but if you have to ride it then you'll face rolling rather than flat terrain between Lourdes and Pau. I imagine you'll need to leave at 5 to get there for 6.30 and the last entrance to the pens. You might want to see if anyone on the forum is travelling between Lourdes and Pau to see if you can hitch a lift. Good luck.
  • Smartbike
    Smartbike Posts: 15
    I've driven from Lourdes to Pau several times and it's certainly not flat. It will also be dark at the time you need to ride and the roads will be busy with cars driving from Lourdes to the start, meaning you would probably need lights. Having spoken to some of the people in 2005 who cycled the 30km from Pau to the start in Mourenx (and seen them as our coach swerved around them in the dark on the dual carriageway, I would not recommend)

    If you can avoid this by begging a lift, I would do so (to be honest, I would rather sleep in a tent in Pau than go through this before the start)
  • Kléber
    Kléber Posts: 6,842
    Take the road north out of Lourdes, through Pontacq. It's flat all the way on to Pau. If you go via Bettharam, that's shorter (just) but hillier.

    It's not ideal but there's little else you can do, like the others say you might want lights. Just give lots of time and ride very slow and you won't be tired. Or maybe try to book a taxi?
  • SunWuKong
    SunWuKong Posts: 364
    In previous years they have had a place where you can leave your bike at the start village. On the morning you give them your ticket and get your bike. This will mean you only have to get yourself there, making getting a lift a lot easier.
  • daowned
    daowned Posts: 414
    There must be buses organized, a friend of mine is staying Lourdes while I will be in Pau for the Etape and didn't mentioned any issues about getting to the start and then home at the finish.

    Drop one of the tour companies like a email and ask if they could book you and the bike with their transport.