Patella problems

coltrane Posts: 74
edited June 2008 in Road beginners
How frustrating with the weather how it is and I can't get out. I have been having pain with my left knee for some time, not excruciating but just annoying every time I push down on the pedal and going upstairs. It began just as a niggle towards the end of a ride but became a constant pain and I thought best to rest totally. All the websites I have researched suggest problems with the patella tendon. So I thought best rest and do some squat exercises to try and strengthen the area. One thing I can't understand is I can't remember changing my bike set up or increasing training so I guess it must be overuse? Any one else suffered or suffering? and any words of advice or help?


  • willbevan
    willbevan Posts: 1,241
    I know this isn't solving the problem, but i find a patella strap really help.

    Without one about 40miles into a ride i will get niggles in my knees, over the next 15-20 it gets painful.

    With the straps i do 80mi, no pain at all.


    Now i am doing exercises to help, but this allows me to keep training, if this is right or wrong is well mater of opinion, but it would drive me crazy off the bike. (i am very cautious of injuries as i having to take 12 months off running due to an overuse injury, any pain and i would stop!)

    Road - BTwin Sport 2 16s
    MTB - Trek Fuel 80
    TT - Echelon
  • coltrane
    coltrane Posts: 74
    Thanks Will, as you say I can't stand being off the bike I get really fed up and cranky, but know if I rush it in the long term i'll suffer, any ideas where I can get the strap?
  • iga
    iga Posts: 155
    If you're riding clipless check a cleat hasn't moved. This happened to me once, bloody agony.
    FCN 7
    Aravis Audax, Moulton TSR
  • willbevan
    willbevan Posts: 1,241
    I just got one from my local sports store and asked what knee supports they had, and behold they had a patella strap,

    You can get them online

    Myself im using vulcun ones (white like in the picy) like here:

    Don't think i paid £10 though so worth looking around

    Hope that helps
    Road - BTwin Sport 2 16s
    MTB - Trek Fuel 80
    TT - Echelon
  • coltrane
    coltrane Posts: 74
    Cheers nice one...........ordered
  • willbevan
    willbevan Posts: 1,241
    hope it helps! won't replace sorting whats causing it obviously, now if i toook my own advice..... (off to do some exercises)
    Road - BTwin Sport 2 16s
    MTB - Trek Fuel 80
    TT - Echelon
  • coltrane
    coltrane Posts: 74
    Exercises...mmmm, I think the lack of those both pre and post ride has caused me this aggro, my wife's got me doing pilates!! I keep reminding her I ride bikes not bend and stretch on the living room floor!
  • Aidocp
    Aidocp Posts: 868
    I had a problem with my patella last Autumn caused by a tight IT band. The Physio said it was caused by my right leg being stronger than my left. To compensate my left leg had become taught pulling the patella to one side, so instead of running smoothly through the groove knee joint it was rubbing. The physio prescribed exercises, I think aimed at strengthening the thighs rather than the knee itself and touch wood it seems to have gone away.
  • coltrane
    coltrane Posts: 74
    Aidocp, that appears to be the problem. Went to the physio today who said that my left leg (problem knee) is much stronger than the right. Also my inside leg muscle is much weaker than the outside leg muscle (sorry can't remember the muscle names) this then has the effect of puling my patella to one side (as you say rubbing against the joint) and giving me pain when riding. The physio also pointed out my Gluteus Medius was taught and massaged to release it. It felt like a knife was being dug in, unreal pain. Any way I have been given some exercies so hopefully on the road to recovery. I was also told I can ride but need to take it steady, which I don't find easy to do.
  • coltrane
    coltrane Posts: 74
    Sorry meant to ask what exercises were you prescribed?
  • Aidocp
    Aidocp Posts: 868
    I'm not sure what they are called but:
    One lying on my side in a fetal position ankles together and raising the knee of the upper leg.
    Another lying on my stomach tightening my bum muscles and lifting my ankle up to so my lower leg is vertical (one leg at the time) after a few weeks I then progressed to lifting my knee off the deck too.
    Cat stretches or something on all fours I put the head down back arched up and slowly I'd transfer to position where my head was up and my back was arched down.
    Standing, Id grab a ankle and pull it towards my rear ensuring that my knees were together.
    And the last exercise the physio gave me saw me lying on my back with bum muscles tightened, one lower leg lifting the body up slightly (lower leg vertical) and I would raise the other leg horizontal to that level.
    Where the exercises involve lifting one leg I'd repeat for the other leg and most exercises were x10.