New to road biking - need a bike and some general advice!

mcskiver Posts: 26
edited June 2008 in Road beginners

I've been into running (on and off) since I was a kid (32 now...) and have always been interested in road biking, but was put off by the cost of the bike and other bits. Now I fancy giving it a go, and actually harbour a desire to have a crack at a triathlon at some point - probably next year.

I've been looking around at bikes, and it doesn't look like I can get much beneath £500 quid. Is this right? Also, I could only afford one bike, so it would need to cover training and potentially racing at some point (although I dare say I won't be breaking any records).

So, can anyone point me to a good road bike at a decent price, or tips as to what I should buy? I really don't have much idea.

Also, would my best bet be to just go along to a local club? I live in St Albans and Verulam seem to have groups for beginner types like myself. I'm hoping my general running fitness will give me a headstart over your average first timer.

Any and all advice much appreciated....


  • Hi, and welcome to road cycling! You're right in thinking that reasonable bikes start at around £500. For a bike that you want to use year round, you should look at one that takes mudguards: perhaps one of the Ribble audax bikes (mentioned elsewhere on the forum) or one of the Giant SCR series. Google both of these to get an idea of what they're like, what they offer, and who sells them. As always, do go along to a local bike shop and try out some bikes, to get an idea of what you like/dislike. Choosing bikes is a very individual thing, and what works for others might not work for you.
    Going along to your local club is also a good idea: I don't know which ones there are around you. But most clubs do a Sunday run, which is fairly low key and, though some may zoom off, they usually wait for the slower ones. Having said that, with your base fitness, you might be one of the ones doing the zooming!
    Good luck with your choices, and with getting into cycling. But watch out: it's addictive!
  • huwy
    huwy Posts: 91
    Welcome - I was in your position about 14 months ago and now am the proud owner of a shiny carbon steed, there are some very good bikes at the £500 that will ease you into the sport...

    I'm sure you'll enjoy as already stated though it is addictive..... :lol:
  • Bronzie
    Bronzie Posts: 4,927
    mcskiver wrote:
    I live in St Albans and Verulam seem to have groups for beginner types like myself
    Can confirm that Verulam are a pretty large and well organised club from my experience. Their kit though is................a little like Marmite.............I just haven't met anyone who actually likes it :wink:

    Your running background will give you a good start in cycling fitness, although it may take you a while to find your "cycling legs".

    I'd suggest you forget an all-purpose bike for now - if you intend racing triathlons, get a decent road bike you can fit tri bars to. If you get the bug, you can look at getting a cheap 2nd hand bike to use over winter later on.
  • If you are about 6ft then can i shamelessly self promote my bike on ebay at the moment?

    You live pretty close so you could come and try it out the reserve is half of your budget leaving plenty of cash for other essentials computers, helmets, pedals, shoes, clothes etc etc its a costly business

    you can send me a PM if interested
  • mcskiver
    mcskiver Posts: 26
    Thanks for the responses.

    Looks like the Focus bikes are a good deal for the money. On another point - what sort of training would I need to do to make it worthwhile?

    I currently only run about 3-4 times per week, and would like to keep up at least this level of running ideally and combine it with cycling - so what sort of distances do people generally bike in training?
  • Bronzie
    Bronzie Posts: 4,927
    mcskiver wrote:
    so what sort of distances do people generally bike in training?
    To road race at entry level I'd suggest something like 8-10 hours (c.150 miles/wk) a week minimum but of course if you have natural ability you may be one of these horrible people that can do 3 weeks training and then kick everyone's butt :x
  • chill123
    chill123 Posts: 210
    Check out the following if you are looking for some Cycling Training, Equipment and nnutritional advice.