Bad idea to ride a TT 2 days before the Dragon Ride?

topcattim Posts: 766
edited June 2008 in Road beginners
I'm an average cyclist, trying to do a few 10 mile TTs this season. Trouble is, circumstances have conspired against me and I have only managed two so far. There is a local one this coming Thursday but its two days before the Dragon and I don't want to compromise my enjoyment/performance at that.

Should I give the TT a miss?


  • xover_runner
    xover_runner Posts: 228
    If it's only a 10 you should be OK IMO. More of a risk is injury through coming off, wouldn't do it the pouring rain or anyhing like that. I'm sure you'll get may different answers!
  • I'd say go for it too. I did a quick 20 mile yesterday just to keep my legs ticking over in preperation for the White Rose Classic.
    "A cyclist has nothing to lose but his chain"

    PTP Runner Up 2015
  • Mettan
    Mettan Posts: 2,103
    topcattim wrote:
    I'm an average cyclist, trying to do a few 10 mile TTs this season. Trouble is, circumstances have conspired against me and I have only managed two so far. There is a local one this coming Thursday but its two days before the Dragon and I don't want to compromise my enjoyment/performance at that.

    Should I give the TT a miss?

    Personally speaking, I give it a miss - if it was a leisurely 10 or 20 2 days before then fine - however, there's a possibility that a hammer and tongs 10 TT will degrade your performance on the Dragon - everybody's different though, and you might manage ok.
  • Old Tuggo
    Old Tuggo Posts: 482
    You will soon recover from a10 mile T.T., I did one yesterday and a road race today. A race Saturday and Sunday is quite common also most cyclist train Thursday evening before an event at weekend.
  • topcattim
    topcattim Posts: 766
    Ok, looks like a reasonably mixed bag of advice on this. I reckon I shall have a look at the weather, and if its nice, I'll go for it! At least that way, I'll have something to blame if I blow up on the Dragon! :(
  • oldwelshman
    oldwelshman Posts: 4,733
    Go for it, you have 3 days after that.
    Last weekend I did 60 miles day before tour of pembroke :D
    This week I am doing 4 hours track day before the dragon :D
    By the way good value, £1 for 4 hours on velodrome !!

  • bahzob
    bahzob Posts: 2,195
    Dont think theres a universal rule here as depends so much on individual

    So I would say it depends on couple of things:
    - how seriously you are taking the Dragon
    - how well you know how your body reacts/recovers

    If high/it recovers badly: skip the 10TT
    If low/it recovers well: do it
    If high/dont know: play safe and dont do it
    If low/dont know: do it as will be useful to know in the future.
    Martin S. Newbury RC
  • babyshambles
    babyshambles Posts: 149
    whats "the dragon"?
  • topcattim
    topcattim Posts: 766
    whats "the dragon"?
    Its a 120k or 180k sportive in South Wales, that is taking place next Sunday.

    At present, I'm intending to do both the tt and the Dragon. Nothing if not optimistic....
  • yeah do it. I did a road race on the thursday before undertaking the middle distance in the WRC at the weekend with no adverse affects.
    Cycling - The pastime of spending large sums of money you don't really have on something you don't really need.
  • babyshambles
    babyshambles Posts: 149
    wow, just looked at that.... i shall aim for that next year i think - keep us informed of how you do on this link.

    Starting in Bridge End tho...