40-50 miler out of East Finchley

simon johnson
simon johnson Posts: 1,064
I've just moved from Tottenham to East Finchley so my usual route into Essex now seems to be a bit out of the way and takes in too much of London before I get into the greenery (not to mention getting up Muswell Hill on the way back).

I live on Church Lane, just off East End Road, and am looking for 40-50 miler, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks, Simon
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  • paulwood
    paulwood Posts: 231
    I usually just head out towards Newgate Street/Bayford/Essendon. Lots of little loops around the villages. Not flat though :-)
  • simon johnson
    simon johnson Posts: 1,064
    Thanks Paul, I'll attempt to map something out on Gmap.

    I'm up for a challenge so hills o' plenty is alright with me; I'm beginning to get used to the daily encounter- I work in Hackney Wick, so usually come through Turnpike Lane and then up that bugger that ends at the roundabout on Muswell Hill Broadway. Although, I've just realised that my derailleur is not shifting up to rings 8 or 9 which explains my sudden out-of-breathness there :shock: !

    I've just returned from the Smithfield Nocturne - won by Geraint Thomas by the way- and came up Holloway Road; a bit easier on the legs, I think I'll alternate between the two when returning from work

    I may post my intended route before I ride it; you can cast your eye over it, see if there's any parts that I should avoid or cut out.

    Thanks again.
    Where\'s me jumper?
  • urrrrrrrrrs
    urrrrrrrrrs Posts: 478

    you have a PM

    8th March 2010,Spain ,Here I come !!!!!!
  • paulwood
    paulwood Posts: 231
    Muswell Hill is tough but Highgate Hill is worse. Fitting both in a round North London loop makes for a fun session.
  • simon johnson
    simon johnson Posts: 1,064
    Thanks Urrrrs and Paul,

    I've mapped out a 40 miler to start me off:


    I did half of it this afternoon (had to get back to hang the washing!), just cut it off at Wagon Road/Barnet Road, not too bad.

    See what you think.

    Where\'s me jumper?
  • paulwood
    paulwood Posts: 231
    nice route. The little lanes around Wildhill are great

    Worth dropping down to Lower Hatfield Road a coule of times to do any of the climbs back south.

    The roads round Letty Green are very quiet and rolling for a mid ride recovery

    Will probably bump into you sometime.
  • jonathan r
    jonathan r Posts: 88
    Hi Simon, how you doing, long time no see.

    For your information, some of the regular two wheels good riders have been meeting Sunday 8am outside the crouch end shop, and going out for rides with some of the finchley racing teem. Around the Hertfordshire area I believe.

  • simon johnson
    simon johnson Posts: 1,064
    Hello Jonathan,

    Nice to hear from you. I'm not doing too bad, just got this year's exams out of the way and can now get back to the important things in life i.e. cycling. I've been considering the Two Wheels Good rides, I had fun last time and now I'm a bit closer since moving to East Finchley, just down the road really. Not sure about going out with the 'Finchley Racing Team' though :shock:, probably leave me for dead!

    Do you usually trek out with those guys? If so, what's the mileage and tempo usually like?


    Thanks for the tips Paul, if you see a bearded fellow on an Omega, say hello!
    Where\'s me jumper?
  • jonathan r
    jonathan r Posts: 88
    I have not cycled with the finchley teem, though some of the faster two wheels good guys have been using this to train for the etap.

    I ride most weekends with two wheels good, (now a club with a riders forum, www.twgcc.co.uk) . Rides depend on who turn up, 16 - 18mph av speed. Distances are about 50 - 60 miles.
    if enough turn up the ride sometimes splits into two.

    Hope to see you on the ride some time.
  • simon johnson
    simon johnson Posts: 1,064
    Thanks Jonathan,

    I will most likely join you guys for a ride sometime in the near future.
    Where\'s me jumper?
  • simon johnson
    simon johnson Posts: 1,064
    Thanks Urrrrs and Paul,

    I've mapped out a 40 miler to start me off:


    I did half of it this afternoon (had to get back to hang the washing!), just cut it off at Wagon Road/Barnet Road, not too bad.

    See what you think.


    I did this route this morning; quite nice despite taking a few wrong turns at some points (found my track again thankfully).

    Bit breezy out though.............look at it now- perfect sunshine!!
    Where\'s me jumper?
  • Clip me in
    Clip me in Posts: 89
    Hi Simon

    Welcome to the neighbourhood (well my work n/hood at least). I too would recommend Two Wheels good, not that I go out with them that often.

    I like to ride up through Enfield and then Forty Hall, Bulls Cross, Whitewebbs Farm and then up the lovely Cuffley Hill, after that I tend to explore the Hertfordshire lanes - Hertford, Little Berkhamstead, Essendon etc - all very nice. You can then get back onto the A1000 to come home.
    That's what I'll be doing on Friday when I collect my Condor Fratello - very excited about it.

    In terms of routes from Town / City. I quite like Hornsey Rad and then onto Hornsey Lane, then right onto Hornsey Lane Gardens before popping out by the Boogaloo. That's the way I tend to come to work in a morning.
    _ http://tiny.cc/GjWi9


    Wearing lycra will not make you go faster.
  • simon johnson
    simon johnson Posts: 1,064
    Clip me in wrote:
    Hi Simon

    Welcome to the neighbourhood (well my work n/hood at least). I too would recommend Two Wheels good, not that I go out with them that often.

    I like to ride up through Enfield and then Forty Hall, Bulls Cross, Whitewebbs Farm and then up the lovely Cuffley Hill, after that I tend to explore the Hertfordshire lanes - Hertford, Little Berkhamstead, Essendon etc - all very nice. You can then get back onto the A1000 to come home.
    That's what I'll be doing on Friday when I collect my Condor Fratello - very excited about it.

    In terms of routes from Town / City. I quite like Hornsey Rad and then onto Hornsey Lane, then right onto Hornsey Lane Gardens before popping out by the Boogaloo. That's the way I tend to come to work in a morning.
    _ http://tiny.cc/GjWi9


    Thanks for the welcome CMI,

    I'll be doing this route this weekend which takes in Little Berkhamstead, Essendon and Hertford as you suggested, also takes me through some nice parts of Essex (there is such a thing!), see what you think:

    60 MILER
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