ear, here


  • what does that have to do with anything???? it is a nice-ish piece of art that i would not mind seeing in my local park. i would not like to cycle into it, it looks hard.
    In the valley of high oil prices the cyclist is king!
  • bagpusscp
    bagpusscp Posts: 2,907
    It has nothing to with anything ,other than fun .Try it! This is Cake Stop . Off topic. Not cycling . Not anything :idea: 8) The meaning of life is 42 . Ps it was on a river side park.Chill out dude :!:
  • attica
    attica Posts: 2,362
    Very Gaudi-esque, can't imagine trying to cycle into it, hard or not.

    That said, it's been quite a while since I rode into anything, not on purpose anyway.
    "Impressive break"


    ...I can taste blood"