Highclere Victor Ludorum standards?

Anyone know what the 200km standards are going to be for this event. The page doesn't appear to show them?

http://www.cyclegb.co.uk/index.php?main ... =standards



  • Eat My Dust
    Eat My Dust Posts: 3,965
    2008 Victor Ludorum Challenge: 200km / 125mile with minimum 2850m ascent
    Gold Standard Less than
    Gold Average kph
    18-29 07hrs:00mins
    30-39 07hrs:10mins
    28.0 .
    40-49 07hrs:24mins
    50-59 07hrs:40mins
    60+ 08hrs:00mins

    18-39 07hrs:50mins
    40+ 08hrs:10mins

    I've cut and pasted this from a previous post by someone else, so I don't have silver/bronze times. It was all on the website but it looks like it has been removed.

    TBH I don't know if I'll be finishing in the 7hr 10 mins alloted for gold!!

    BTW I'll be on a Cayo with yellow bar tape/tyres and wearing the Continental team kit (also black & yellow) say hello when you're passing me!!!! :oops:
  • Thanks. Mmm...I don't think I'll be getting Gold either!

    I'll be straggler on a white Bianchi with a Celeste Jersey, white lid - but I guess you can figure that from my Avatar.

  • juggler
    juggler Posts: 262
    Interesting... they seem to have removed them from the website - may be due to the 'is this really a race debate' etc. There is something on the Cycling Weekly website baout British Cycling insisting they change the awards system for the event or otherwise they would not endorse the event and hence lose insurance cover etc. That was only this week.

    The event standards posted earlier are wrong , they were all upped for the 200km event by 1kph about 2 week ago ( very odd why they did this, as the 27kph for me (40-49) was the same standard as the last 2 years). So last year it was 187 km in 7hr 10mins, Sunday it's 200km in 7 hrs 10mins... no hope for me on the latter but was hoping to make the former, so a bit miffed they decided to change things at the last minute and revise the timings they have been using for the past 2 years... up to them i guess. Maybe they think it is too easy :wink:
  • juggler
    juggler Posts: 262
    now a bit confused, as the standards are back on the website, but they appear to be the same ones referred to by Eat my dust....7hr 24mins for 200km (40-49)...although the text at the top refers to the standards being raised after 1st and 2nd cat riders rode the route (not sure what those guys are doing riding a sportive like this :-) )
  • Jeff Jones
    Jeff Jones Posts: 1,865
    juggler wrote:
    Interesting... they seem to have removed them from the website - may be due to the 'is this really a race debate' etc. There is something on the Cycling Weekly website baout British Cycling insisting they change the awards system for the event or otherwise they would not endorse the event and hence lose insurance cover etc. That was only this week.
    See this story: http://www.bikeradar.com/road/news/arti ... uble-16828
    Jeff Jones

    Product manager, Sports
  • bahzob
    bahzob Posts: 2,195
    Are there any guidelines about what levels gold etc standards are set at?

    The Highclere golds look easy compared to the Tour of Wessex ones which required you to average 30kph on tougher courses (on 3 consecutive days if you did them all)?

    And I thought a gold in the etape is a real achievement (BTW where do you fine etape standards)?
    Martin S. Newbury RC
  • juggler
    juggler Posts: 262
    i believe that the UCI have some, based on distance, climbing etc.... not exactly sure what they are though. But i believe boith ToW and Highclere were alligned to this method of calculating the standards.
  • Gr.uB
    Gr.uB Posts: 145
    I'll aim for gold standard - as it gives me a goal and something to think about.
    I'll be on the Giant TCR with Mavic wheels - black and gold :D

    Just like here actually while talking with Neil.


    Wearing less though as it appears to be a corker of a day weather wise.

    anothercyclingforum kit - black and grey.
  • Gr.uB
    Gr.uB Posts: 145
    Whey hey, I made it within the time. 200k route ( equals 205k ).
    Official time of 7hrs 7 mins 37 or sommit like that - in with 2.5 mins to spare :D
    Moving average of 29.2 km, max of 68.6 km. Total ascent of 2455 m according to my Gps.
    Well chuffed with that.
    Met several from C+ at the start too.
  • juggler
    juggler Posts: 262
    So the 200km route was the wrong length as well?

    Did the 120km.... my gps read 122.9km... guy next to me a bit more than that.
  • Gr.uB
    Gr.uB Posts: 145
    Was that you at the start in the Bognor kit?

    I don't think it was the wrong length, just not 200k. A lot of rides I see / do are advertised as 100 or 200 etc but all are over that.
  • juggler
    juggler Posts: 262
    Yeh reckon... but why can't they be less rather than more :)

    No not me.....in the Bognor Kit.

    That's one good ride mate.
  • Gr.uB
    Gr.uB Posts: 145
    I got into some good groups and managed not to take anyone out.
    Before half way I found myself in a constant of 5 and it worked really well.
    We took turns on the front to battle the wind and it helped to pass the time.

    I know what you mean about less than more.
    Or why can't they be stated as 205 etc?
    I saw that Only 5km to go and I was on 200k - that was hard. Morale dipped.
  • Can we go by the "standards" on the web site or the paper route sheet given out on the day?

    The final decision is that we'll go by the website.

  • juggler
    juggler Posts: 262
    Can we go by the "standards" on the web site or the paper route sheet given out on the day?

    The final decision is that we'll go by the website.


    Not sure i know what you mean mate?

    Know that the standards were upped by 1kph about 2 weeks ago, then they were removed from the website following the fracas about whether ' it was a race etc'... subsequent to that the old timings (i.e. -1kph) were posted up... v confusing... especially when they can't measure the course properly!
  • No probs - just that the paper route sheet they gave out today (costly to re-print...) had my Gold time at 6h 55m which is probably the old "upped by 1km" time. [generally] Not sure what the "race" problems had to do with the standard times though.
  • Gr.uB
    Gr.uB Posts: 145
    Can we go by the "standards" on the web site or the paper route sheet given out on the day?

    The final decision is that we'll go by the website.


    Thank goodness for that. The old times see me out of the gold, the new times see me in by a small margin. :D