Dragon Ride - Gold, Silver & Bronze?

Somewhat short notice but we are looking to introduce some Gold, Silver and Bronze time standards. This has been OK'd by British Cycling. No prizes associated with the results.

Proposed levels are:

180km Gold -6hrs 14 min, Silver -7hrs, Bronze 7hrs+

120km Gold -4hrs 6 min, Silver -4hrs 38 min, Bronze 4hrs 38min+

These are based on average speed of 18 and 16mph


  • Rich.H
    Rich.H Posts: 443
    Will these be the same standards for all age groups and male / female?


  • MartinJ
    MartinJ Posts: 104
    I like the idea of gold, sliver, bronze standards. You've certainly set challenging targets!! :roll:

    I like having a time target to aim for - though I keep on not quite maiking it :(

    What proportion of riders do you aim will get gold and silver?