Cove Handjob

ewok Posts: 51
edited June 2008 in MTB buying advice
Is this the best hardcore xc frame for under £400?


  • SuperCove
    SuperCove Posts: 127
    Yep... :lol:

    But then I would say that!
    Cove Handjob XC
    Giant OCR
  • Chaka Ping
    Chaka Ping Posts: 1,451
    Hello, I've got one of these - but haven't tried anough other steel hardtails to answer your question.

    What I would say is that it's not really a "hardcore" bike at all. It's pretty much a normal XC bike (with quite thin tubes - which make it light), but with the angles adjusted to make it brilliant fun and very confident on the downhills.

    So you wouldn't want to be doing gnarly stunts on it and you should look at more solid bikes if that's your intention. I believe Cove have issues with people jumping and hucking these bikes and then being surprised when the headtube snaps off.

    Saying that, it'll handle the odd little jump, double or drop on XC trails perfectly well. I'm just saying to be aware it;s not a freeride bike.
  • schmako
    schmako Posts: 1,982
    Definately not hardcore, my mate dented his on the Glentress red and it can no longer be used.
    ESHER SHORE Posts: 818
    its definitely not a hardcore frame

    we had a guy at Esher Shore about 3 years ago hang his up on a small tabletop jump and snap the head tube clean off...

    for what it is, its a great frame, but you don't want to be jumping on it...try the Cove Stiffee or Mythic Scirocco (both aluminium) if that appeals...
    Call 01372 476 969 for more information on UK\'s leading freeride park - Esher Shore
  • if you want a good hardcore hardtail frame you could do a lot worse than (shameless plug) my Rock Lobster B52 frmae that is currently listed on e-bay and in the classified here too, 130mm-150mm forks, easton FS tubing. It is tough as you could want. and a bargain!! :wink:
  • ewok
    ewok Posts: 51
    Its not going to be used for jumping just singletrack and the rough stuff in the lake district. I run Revelations up front so i need something with 130mm travel.
    Thanks for all the help guys
  • BlackSpur
    BlackSpur Posts: 4,228
    Cove Hummer XC if you can afford it. Or On-One 456 Ti.
    "Melancholy is incompatible with bicycling." ~James E. Starrs
  • ewok
    ewok Posts: 51
    I can only afford £400 as i have a wedding to pay for :cry:
  • Chaka Ping
    Chaka Ping Posts: 1,451
    The HJ works great with Revelations, I have the air U-turn model on mine.

    Sounds like it might be just what you need.

    The only note of caution I'd give is that the climbing position can become a little uncomfortable for me on very long seated uphills.

    But you can't have it all and that's the price you pay for the brilliant handling downhill.

    Also, the thin steel tubes at the rear ma\ke the frame comfy, but it can get a bit wandery if in very rocky terrain.

    These issues only emerged for me in Spain, where the riding is that bit bigger than the UK. Big rides in the Dales and the Welsh trail centres I've visited were well within it's capabilities.
  • SuperCove
    SuperCove Posts: 127
    If you are after a frame to take a 130mm travel fork then the Handjob will not be for you... 100mm is best.
    Cove Handjob XC
    Giant OCR
  • Chaka Ping
    Chaka Ping Posts: 1,451
    Supercove - I'd have to disagree with you about that. Mine feels a bit odd with the fork at 100mm, but snaps into focus when I wind it out to 130mm.

    What year is your frame? The geometry changed from '06 onwards.
  • SuperCove
    SuperCove Posts: 127
    Mine is a 2007 and much prefer on 100mm.

    I have riden one on 130mm forks before and just did not like it.

    Again I suppose is down to the old chestnut of it depends on what you like and how you ride....
    Cove Handjob XC
    Giant OCR
  • indysmith
    indysmith Posts: 276
    ewok wrote:
    I can only afford £400 as i have a wedding to pay for :cry:
    Ah, bad luck! :lol:

    You looked at this at all?
    Or this if you want steel
  • BlackSpur
    BlackSpur Posts: 4,228
    If you can find one, regular 456 frame would be great, and much cheaper! you could use the change to buy more bike bits, or perhaps put more towards the wedding (I know what I would do !).
    "Melancholy is incompatible with bicycling." ~James E. Starrs
  • scottalej
    scottalej Posts: 135
    Stretch to £420 and buy a Cotic Soul.
    That and the Cove Hummer are the only HTs I've ridden that are truly set up geometry wise for a long travel fork.
    I had a 2007 P7 which was too slack at 130 but great at 110-115. Very compliant frame but heavy and overpriced.
    I demo'd a Cove HJ and Hummer. The HJ was similar to the P7 but lighter. The Hummer was ok, didn't blow me away considering it's 3 times the price of the HJ but handled a 130 no problem and the light weight made it a great climber.
    I own a Pace RC303, over priced, badly built with crap paint, again better suited to 115 travel as it has a slack seat angle.
    I recently bought a Cotic Soul which is just fantastic with a 125 Phaon fork on it there's no need to wind it down on the climbs. Not as compliant as the P7 and Cove but more responsive. Build and paint quality are just fantastic. Has to be custard yellow with green graphics. :lol:
    Orange Clockwork 2007
    Orange 5 2007
    Just bought 2008 P7 frame (Orange fan? Me!)
    Cotic Soul
    Pace RC303
    Marin Mount Vision 2005, for sale
    Stumpy HT 2006, shite, sold
    Kona Lava Dome fully rigid
  • beancounter
    beancounter Posts: 369
    I was just wondering, is the next model up the Cove Blowjob?

    2013 Colnago Master 30th Anniversary
    2010 Colnago C50
    2005 Colnago C40
    2002 Colnago CT1
    2010 Colnago World Cup
    2013 Cinelli Supercorsa
    2009 Merckx LXM
    1995 Lemond Gan Team
  • ewok
    ewok Posts: 51
    Thanks for all the help guys i tried a mates HJ and loved it so have put an order in for 1.Thanks again
  • scottalej
    scottalej Posts: 135
    Nice bike, was my first choice until I tried the Soul.
    Orange Clockwork 2007
    Orange 5 2007
    Just bought 2008 P7 frame (Orange fan? Me!)
    Cotic Soul
    Pace RC303
    Marin Mount Vision 2005, for sale
    Stumpy HT 2006, shite, sold
    Kona Lava Dome fully rigid
  • ewok
    ewok Posts: 51
    It arrived today and im building it now I think I made the right choice it looks so good in orange