Paul Smith acolytes laugh at picture of dying cyclist

number9 Posts: 440
edited June 2008 in Campaign
A cyclist was killed and 10 others were injured yesterday when a car plowed into a bike race in Mexico.
The terrified sportsmen were hurled high into the air as a 28-year-old driver, apparently drunk and asleep at the wheel, crashed into the race near the US-Mexico border.

A photograph taken by a city official shows cyclists and equipment being thrown skywards like rag dolls by the collision.

Enlarge Click this bar to view the full image.

Fatal: The moment a car plows into a bike race near the US-Mexico border, killing one cyclist and injuring 10 others.

"Is it wrnog that I laughed at the picture?"

I could care less about bikers. Natural selection at its best.

all that picture needs is PWN3D in big red lettering written at the
bottom and then its perfect ... 541931&i=0

Moderation on that forum is delightfully quaint, point out that Smith
was hopelessly out of his depth and criminally stupid and you get

Meanwhile comments like the above are left alone. Says it all really.


  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,810
    they ve all been deleted from both sites now......
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • Woolfie
    Woolfie Posts: 34
    'Natural selection at its best.'

    Won't be long now before natural resource selection takes care of the petrolheads.
    Bakewell Toybox