Riding in/around Liverpool

dawnophile Posts: 157
edited June 2008 in MTB rides
I'm moving to Liverpool soon, and will probably won't have the time or transport to venture too far afield.
North wales and Delamere i've ridden before, but that'll be a rare occurrance when i've got a bit of free time.

Anyone have any suggestions as to what riding is available? I'm considering getting a jump bike if there are any skateparks or trails about.



  • jmeadows
    jmeadows Posts: 335
    not much in liverpool, cheshire lines/trans pennine is one route, canals, crosby prom etc.
    there was a skatepark in aintree in heysham road but i think its shut now. what area are you moving to?
    never hurts your eyes to look on the bright side of life...
  • dawnophile
    dawnophile Posts: 157
    I'm moving into one of the university halls, though i've no idea which one. I've had a look on t'interweb, and there is the rampworx skatepark not too far away. Trouble is, it's expensive and most of it is probably beyond my level of skill at the moment.

    I might have to take up trials, or dust off the road bike......
  • gandhi
    gandhi Posts: 187
    You could join the University MTB club. I'm sure that people there will know the best local routes.
  • Filligan
    Filligan Posts: 72
    Hey Guys Formby/Freshfield pinewoods is good but there's signs to keep to the fireroads (suits me a noob getting fit who never went off road since the 70's bmx craze)
    The Local authority (council) for Liverpool and Sefton are pushing for walkers and cycling to increase so will dig out their bumph when I get home and post back here tonight.
    You can get from waterloo to southport (crossens) 22 miles but doesn't seem it along the coastal path (an easy flat ride fresh air excercise etc.) with the excellent northern line merseyrail train service no more than ten minutes walk away with plenty of stations along the way ( should you or your bike give up haho )
    Please guys keep this thread active as I too would like to find some routes

    Cheshire lines from Maghull onwards is a goody too... south of there there's ruff heads and glass
  • jmeadows
    jmeadows Posts: 335
    i didnt realise you were allowed on the pineys? thats handy as i ride through formby a lot on a couple of routes, cheshire lines is a nice route from maghull yeh, too flat but a good ride
    never hurts your eyes to look on the bright side of life...
  • Filligan
    Filligan Posts: 72
    Story is; they (Sefton Council) are opening up a cycle track all the way from Hall Road Coastgaurd Station Crosby... to Southport it will only really be a bit like the cheshire lines tho' (flat) but hey fresh air thay have already done some bits.. my son does summer work with the coast and countryside ranger team so I will investigate and let you know.

    As for the pineys YES I believe you are allowed to ride but must stick to the fireroads (again fairly flat) I have seen people go up montagu road next to freshfield station and cross the railway at the first set of gates then head north thru the woods * NOTE* If you go too far along Montagu to the end you cannot get across as the lady who lives there has vicious BIG dobermans and other dogs and it is private land I mean none of us want somebody trekking thru our back yard do we so why do folk insist on trecking thru hers then get nasty with her when she complains???
  • jmeadows
    jmeadows Posts: 335
    really? that would be great eh? they have tarmacd up to hightown havent they, bleedin windy down there though! yeh keep me informed please that would be good.
    i do work up montagu rd in fact i was only there on tuesday so i know that road, i will be avoiding the top end though for sure! i know , if people persisted in trekking through my private land i would set the mutts on them or get the air rifle out :lol:
    never hurts your eyes to look on the bright side of life...
  • Filligan
    Filligan Posts: 72
    Been on the phone to Sefton coast and countryside team based behind Pontins in Ainsdale they said they have maps available at their centre of the coastal path which once you get to formby is more inland there's a coupla bits you'd have to get off and push in the dunes about 5-7 minutes (I've Walked it) but yeah you are allowed to ride it on their land..
    Natural England and some other wildlife trust are in control of two short sections (squirrel reserve) so maybe ask em if it's ok ( it's their section where I mentioned the pushing bit)
    People walk these routes too with dogs and kids so speeds would be up and down afaik
  • Filligan
    Filligan Posts: 72
    jmeadows wrote:
    really? that would be great eh? they have tarmacd up to hightown havent they, bleedin windy down there though! yeh keep me informed please that would be good.
    i do work up montagu rd in fact i was only there on tuesday so i know that road, i will be avoiding the top end though for sure! i know , if people persisted in trekking through my private land i would set the mutts on them or get the air rifle out :lol:

    Saw a Blue Zaskar blast thru the northern woods last summer
    Of course I wanted one!!!!!
  • jmeadows
    jmeadows Posts: 335
    filligan your are a minefield of useful information, keep up the good work sir :D
    never hurts your eyes to look on the bright side of life...
  • just got kicked out of the woods for riding but if you stick to the woods behind the nightclub{forgot its name} youll be ok.the rangers tend to stick on the otherside.
    you could start on the prom in crosby beach and follow the new road past the coastgard station into hightown were you then head upto altcar rifle range. there is a single track inbetween the railway and the range which leads into formby. at the end of the track you can turn left or carry on stright ahead both which leads to the woods.you can not fail too miss the woods as its huge.
    theres also croxteth country park
    tracks along side the formby bypass opp woodvale
    i found the guys at formby cycles to be realy good at advise on local trails, try them if these are to easy
  • Filligan
    Filligan Posts: 72
    just got kicked out of the woods for riding but if you stick to the woods behind the nightclub{forgot its name} youll be ok.the rangers tend to stick on the otherside.
    you could start on the prom in crosby beach and follow the new road past the coastgard station into hightown were you then head upto altcar rifle range. there is a single track inbetween the railway and the range which leads into formby. at the end of the track you can turn left or carry on stright ahead both which leads to the woods.you can not fail too miss the woods as its huge.
    theres also croxteth country park
    tracks along side the formby bypass opp woodvale
    i found the guys at formby cycles to be realy good at advise on local trails, try them if these are to easy
    Well done ziggy I'll ask at the Formby cycles tomorrow gotta go get some brakes..
    Were you in the woods or on the main path when the rangers chased you???
    I got told on the phone today it was ok so long as you stick to the fireroads but have seen signs saying keep to the path and no cycles beyond this point into the cuds

    We might all have to become volunteer rangers and make us a trail!!!!!
  • filligan . at the time he seen me i was on some sort of path way trying to go up a hill , but wouldnt know a fireroad if it bit me. i only stopped coz he blocked my path .
    but ive seen loads of locals on horse back in there and i get told to leave.
    still i havent been put off just go now when its closed.ranges dont get overtime so after 5.30{summer}its ok.
    some tv crew where there as well doing a thing on the woods so if my boss sees it{should of been in work} i might have no choice but to become a ranger
  • Filligan
    Filligan Posts: 72
    filligan . at the time he seen me i was on some sort of path way trying to go up a hill , but wouldnt know a fireroad if it bit me. i only stopped coz he blocked my path .
    but ive seen loads of locals on horse back in there and i get told to leave.
    still i havent been put off just go now when its closed.ranges dont get overtime so after 5.30{summer}its ok.
    some tv crew where there as well doing a thing on the woods so if my boss sees it{should of been in work} i might have no choice but to become a ranger
    should of asked the ranger "if I have a poo like horses do and dogs iz it alright to carry on??"
    Think if you were on one of the wide hardcore/shale car tracks it should be ok why not???
    but if you are making your own roads and squashing grass plants and mushrooms etc. then thats a different thing
  • molka
    molka Posts: 5
    From aintree i do a decent 30 mile loop pretty flat though,down chesire lines down to the coast road then through the woods at the back of woodvale then follow the railway down to altcar then over some dunes to burbo bank down to crosby marina,then on through crosby towards seaforth towards the red lion pub where you can get on to the canal back to aintree
  • Filligan
    Filligan Posts: 72
    molka wrote:
    From aintree i do a decent 30 mile loop pretty flat though,down chesire lines down to the coast road then through the woods at the back of woodvale then follow the railway down to altcar then over some dunes to burbo bank down to crosby marina,then on through crosby towards seaforth towards the red lion pub where you can get on to the canal back to aintree
    that's pretty much what I wanna do
    how long does it take you and what sort of pace do you do
    do you take rest stops

    sorry I am a newby
  • think was a service rd coz he was in his landrover,
    any ideas where best to get on the cheshire lines, never been before and dont know where it is.
  • molka
    molka Posts: 5
    Takes about 3 hours at a steady pace (i,am no lance armstrong)with a stop at formby pine wood and burbo bank
  • jmeadows
    jmeadows Posts: 335
    molka- i do a very similar 30miler to you, good loop isnt it? i do a 60miler too, looping in the canal to burscough as well.
    are the woods at the back of woodvale any good?
    never hurts your eyes to look on the bright side of life...
  • peeta
    peeta Posts: 6
    Why not jump the train or better still catch the ferry over onto Wirral. We have got miles of traffic free rides. There is everything from coastal rides from Seacombe Ferry through to West Kirby. There are 24 miles of Wirral Way cycle track, On Thurstaston hill there and bare rock trails on Thurstaston with some big drop offs and great single track. I've never had a problem biking through woods on beaches or anywhere else so you can go just about anywhre you want.
  • Filligan
    Filligan Posts: 72
    Only just come back to biking peeta... BUT
    after a while getting fitness levels back up I may just do as you suggest
    I read on another thread about people enjoying their wirral rides

    Might contact your council in the meantime and get some info..
    maybe even take a float over and find a library sure they must have details of where to go

    Cheers Bud
  • jmeadows
    jmeadows Posts: 335
    peeta- i might just do that, sounds like a plan, scared of the wirral though, i heard they eat their young :)
    never hurts your eyes to look on the bright side of life...
  • molka
    molka Posts: 5
    jmeadows-only really stay on the fire road as ye start to get bogged down by the sand in the woods the closer ye get to the beach.whats the route to burscough like,do ye follow the canal all the way?
  • jmeadows
    jmeadows Posts: 335
    right then- i start on canal at wango lane, head towards netherton right through to red lion, jump off and cut through seaforth to crosby prom, right down through hightown, on singletrack into formby, thorugh freshfield and up by pass to coast road, but turn right leads you to a small road and to top of cheshire lines, follow that back to maghull and hit the canal but then go left, it takes you past lydiate, haskayne, southport and fianlly into burscough, get off at burscough bridge and hit the a59 till maghull then get back on the canal, with a couple of canal laps thrown in to make the 60 mile.
    for my 60 next time though a might just do the 30 mile twice as the a59route is road and a bit boring. its good route but flat, i suppose thats why the a 59s good, its full of inclines to kill those legs in the last 20 mile! the canals nice up haskayne end though
    never hurts your eyes to look on the bright side of life...
  • molka
    molka Posts: 5
    jmeadows-how hong does that 60 miler take ye to do.Instead of coming back on the a59 why don't ye try comimg of the canal at the ring a bells pub in lathom and head towards bickerstaffe and back to aintree past the hen and chickens
  • jmeadows
    jmeadows Posts: 335
    60 miler took 4hr 30 min on sat, not being big headed but i was a bit down as i wanted close to 4 hr but i only started biking january so that will come.
    thats a good idea, i was just a bit para about where i would come out if carried on the canal, so i come off there eh? sounds like a plan, only thing with that is the back road past hen & chicks is quite a dangerous road isnt it? at least the a59 has a cycle path mostly anyway.
    never hurts your eyes to look on the bright side of life...
  • molka
    molka Posts: 5
    you can miss going by the hen and chickens by using a semi dis-used lane that brings you out by the animal rescue on the kirkby - maghull road
  • jmeadows
    jmeadows Posts: 335
    ok, sounds good i will drive down and give it a case of looking at, cheers molka
    never hurts your eyes to look on the bright side of life...