Flying back with bike...

cooper.michael1 Posts: 1,787
edited June 2008 in Tour & expedition
In the past ive only ever toured the Netherlands (where everyone speaks english) or German speaking countries and I can speak German ok.

So when Ive flown over I take my bike in a box, throw the box away on arrival and then on the way back go into a bike shop and ask for an old box to bring it back in...

However going to Italy this summer, cant speak a word of Italian, doubt many of them speak English so the chances of getting a proper box to bring it back in are slim.

Going super lightweight, no panniers or anything so cant carry any sort of bike bag, how will I get it back on the flight? botch some pipe lagging and cardboard round it? Any ideas from you experienced tourers?

Cheers, Mike


  • psmiffy
    psmiffy Posts: 236
    Carboard fishing in bins at airport then get it wrapped with heavy duty cling for 20 euros by the luggage wrappers in the terminal
  • RyanBrook
    RyanBrook Posts: 195
    My girlfriend and I got a bike box in Milan without too much fuss. You obviously have to put a couple of hours aside on your last day. We nearly bought 50 pound bike bags in decathlon but decided against it. If you have the cash you could do that.
  • shawn
    shawn Posts: 62
    Go onto google and find a bike shop in the area that you will be leaving from, then phone them in advance from here or enroute and try get an Italian speaker to talk for you.
    I did that when I left from Zadar in Croatia, got a Croatian speaking tourist info employee to speak to the bike shop and they arranged for boxes to be put aside.