Holdsworth Cyclone Deluxe

APIII Posts: 2,010
edited May 2008 in Road general
Hello all,
After my father passed away a few years ago, I had promised myself I would restore his old Holdsworth that had sat in the garage quietly rusting away for as long as I can remember. Well, today, I finally got the frame back from Neil at Atlantic Boulevard. I'm very happy with the results, I have to say, and just thought I might share a few pics with you all.


Whilst I was at it, I also got my first ever road bike repainted too! I'm pretty happy with that aswell. Despite the frame being nothing special, the sentimental value has been worth the cost.



  • Gavin Gilbert
    Gavin Gilbert Posts: 4,019
    ver nice :D

    I'm a big fan of Neill's work, and that is one lovely Holdsworth
  • Siechotic
    Siechotic Posts: 86
    With my surname being Holdsworth, I'm always happy when I see a Holdsworth bike! :D

    Nice paint jobs!
  • meagain
    meagain Posts: 2,331
    How nice - the frames and the sentiments.
    "Cancel my subscription to the resurrection."
  • Lysander
    Lysander Posts: 349
    Thats simply beautiful work. You must be thrilled.
  • peejay78
    peejay78 Posts: 3,378
    that's amazing!

    i sent this one off to witcomb two weeks ago:


    if it comes out like your's i'll be thrilled.

    i also picked up this one today:


    it has a 27" rear with AM hub, and a 26" front with dynohub! covered in extras. do i stripped it down and had a look at it:


    also going to send this one off.

    fingers crossed!