Tour Of Wessex, Day 3

Well if anyone rode today then they must be hard as nail's or as mad as me, could not have been any harder, floods, high winds, and did i mention the RAIN.........................,


  • vermooten
    vermooten Posts: 2,697
    Nope, pussied.
    You just have to ride like you never have to breathe again.

    Manchester Wheelers
  • chopper1
    chopper1 Posts: 45
    You forgot to mention dodging falling trees...oh and the pain!
  • fizz
    fizz Posts: 483
    Respect is due, well done for battling through that, weather has been atrocious today and thats coming from me thats been sat on the sofa in the dry all day.
  • topcattim
    topcattim Posts: 766
    Well, I drove down from Winchester this morning to ride day 3. It was really tipping it down when I got up at 5-30, and there was a good deal of standing water on the way down. But as I got closer, the weather improved and I was hopeful that it would be a decent day. So I was all ready to ride until I realised that I had left my helmet at home. No helmet, no ride, under UCI rules apparently, but also I wouldn't have ridden without a helmet even if there was no UCI rule.

    So I drove back home very cross.

    And I've wondered all day what it would have been like. Any news from those that did complete?
  • firsthippy
    firsthippy Posts: 639
    Yeah, very very wet.. the motos were stalling during the "river crossings", torrents of water flowing down 25% descents, trees down across roads, loads of crap all over the roads, windy. The organisers cut out the big Exmoor climb (dunkery beacon) as it was too dangerous. I was happy about that, although it means I will have to ride it some other time.. maybe next year's TOW? :)

    I think I actually finished Day 3 faster than Day 1! Maybe to get out of the appalling conditions quicker hehe