What road bike?

dereksl1981 Posts: 2
edited May 2008 in Road beginners
Hi all. I'm currently looking to get involved in road cycling but really unsure what bike to get. I'm looking for a entry level bike and was wondering if anybody knew of any good bikes from £300-£400. I recently tried my brother's winter bike which was a Trek 1000 and loved it but can't see it anywhere. My brother thinks that a 54cm bike would be ideal. Does anybody have any suggestions to help me as I want to get out their rather than wasting the summer in the pub. Thanks


  • JWSurrey
    JWSurrey Posts: 1,173
    The best thing to do is go to a good and reputable local bike shop, where they will fit you to the bike, which will lead to a comfortable ongoing experience, especially if you start ramping the mileages up, as this can lead to aches and pains and general demotivation if you buy off the shelf a badly fitted bike.
    They'll also hopefully be better when it comes to free advice, and fitting you in for a bike service, should you need it in the future.

    Check out your local cycle club for shop recommendations, and also the forum.

    You don't mention what your nearest town is, so we can't help you out here.

    My LBSs sell Trek and Giant - Ridgeback make some pretty decent bikes too.
    Of the "internet" variety, Ribble do some bikes in that price range.
    Not sure if Felt have anything at that price point too.
    Depends whether you want a race-razor, or something that will additionally take mudguards and a rack.

    Now is a good time to buy, as I suspect that with the general economic downturn, turnover is slower than expected, so be prepared to haggle a bit... though obviously it's a trade off between that and a good setup and good advice.

    No doubt you're aware that you'll need money for the extras:
    Shoes, pedals, seatpack, spare tube/puncture kit/pump, track pump, bottles and bottle cages, possibly lights, any additional clothing you may wish to start out with - though it's best to start with less and then you don't end up buying stuff twice-over when you know what you really want!
  • redddraggon
    redddraggon Posts: 10,862
    Search back through the previous threads - this seems to come up nearly every week. It'll save everyone repeating what they have already said.
    I like bikes...
