London Bikeathon

vs4b Posts: 257
edited May 2008 in Road beginners
I was planning on doing this, doing the long ride at 52miles (yes i know its not that long for someone more experienced!) but reading the website it says that some parts of the long route are not suitable for racing bikes as some of it is on gravel in Richmond park...

How rubbish is that? I guess ill have to do the 26mile city circuit that is all roads.

Am i missing somethig? surely the longer ride should be more suitable for road bikes not less suitable!


  • Depends how fat your tyres are. Some skinny tyres really don't grip very well on gravel (well, no tyre grips well on gravel, but some are not too bad). I guess the organizers are worried that somebody with pencil-thin tyres will slide off and cut a swathe through the other participants.

    If you say what tyres you have, I'm sure somebody with tyres that size could give you an opinion on how well they are likely to manage on gravel. Mine are 700x32 and I feel reasonably comfortable on gravel, so long as I don't go mad. But 32 is pretty fat for a road tyre -- yours are probably thinner than that.

    I suppose there's also a risk that the organizers won't let you take part if you have the `wrong sort of bike', so I guess you need to check that out as well.
  • vs4b
    vs4b Posts: 257
    they're the standard tyres on giant scr - 25s i guess. dont really fancy riding on gravel so will go for the short route i guess
  • NWLondoner
    NWLondoner Posts: 2,047
    I too was thinking how daft is the 52 mile partly off road.

    No way am i doing gravel with 23c tyres :shock: