Gran Fondo Cymru



  • kmahony
    kmahony Posts: 380

    Nice picture. Was that before the descent that eventually got to Bets-y-Coed (sp?)?

    Was such a great ride, tops views, lots of good people to talk to. I'll be back next year if the weather is a bit better.

    Just downloaded the data from my Polar. Made it 2250m for Medio (although I cheated by mistake - under bad advice - and took the short way round the lake into Bala)

    I've got an average speed of 7kph (about 4mph) for the 3.5km over the Ranges and there was a small group sheltering on my wheel!! (I'm not small)
    Could hardly see, was at full power to stay on the spot and felt like I was about to get blown off, but in an odd way, it was sort of fun...
  • Mattn
    Mattn Posts: 4
    FWIW my Garmin gave me an ascent figure within 10 metres of le Patrons. Frankly I don't care, like le patron I really enjoyed it and will do it again. I'm grateful that this event was organised at all!

    Tallula, was it you who came off on the descent to the last feed?

    Oldwelshman, don't know if it was you or not but I was with a fast moving group (for a while) where one guy lost and arm/kneewarmer just before the fast descent to Llanrwst. Tried shouting and pointing but you/he took no notice and we were going too fast to keep going on about it! Sorry.
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    Only bad thing I could think of on the whole ride were the riders I saw throwing used gel sachets away - don't know if they think they are in the Tour or something ? To my mind - if you have pockets to carry your energy stuff - you can carry the empty wrappers - there's no excuse.
  • Tallula
    Tallula Posts: 2
    MATTN -
    No not I .... I had a bad end to the day but I did manage to stay on my bike.
    I hope who ever it was was OK !!
  • jonah1
    jonah1 Posts: 27
    I stopped to help a fella who crashed quite badly in the first 15mile or so, 2 front spokes had snapped and his wheel had given wat on a long descent. Lucky a passing motorist stopped and was willing to take him back to the start with his bike, very kind of them as he musy of bled all over the back seats.

    Hope he's ok.
  • Sledder
    Sledder Posts: 10
    Well my Garmin registered 8195' or 2499m in new money.
    I cannot find last years profile for super GF as my TC software "lost" all old data!!!
    This route has to be one of the most stuuning routes for a sportive. Maybe someone upstairs can give it the weather the organisers and us deserve next year :D
    You should have seen the shape on me trying to pack my tent this morning !!! I almost went paragliding across Bala Lake !!
    We had that down as 2760, so the depression coming through probably explains the difference. 8)
  • cakewalk
    cakewalk Posts: 220
    Sledder wrote:
    Le Patron wrote:
    It was exactly 120miles long, but I measured 3158m of ascent (3200m in 2006) and the harder continental routes are >= 5000m. So I think the above is stretching it a bit. A 1000m difference seems pretty large. Most events seem to overtstate the climbing for some reason, who measures them ?

    Great route though, thanks to the marshalls who very very encouraging.

    The route was surveyed using GPS and barometric altitude recorded by Cyclosport UK - not trying to exaggerate - promise :wink:

    Admit the 4100m is a tad ambitious :roll: That was an editing bish copied over from previous year, which was taken from Fugawi mapping software. Elsewhere the vertical was published at 3900m, which is nearer the mark, but guess you will get variations on the day and that front coming through probably explains it. There are of course variations in the way vertical distance is calculated and we need to find a common standard.

    Thanks to all who entered and chapeau to those who got through on such a demanding day, It was great to receive so much positive feedback at the finish, but please have a moan at me if you can think of anything that we did wrong (apart form no brown sauce :oops: ) or anything that will improve the event for you for next year. We've plenty of ideas of our own, so watch this space and we hope to see you all back again for some decent weather in 2009 - the long range forecast is looking excellent, it's just the short range stuff we have a problem with :lol:


    This is quite interesting. The Tour of the Black Mountains ( give 3,793m of climbing. If you look at the route on bikely ( ... tains-2007) you see about 1000m less....
    "I thought of it while riding my bicycle."
  • JamesB
    JamesB Posts: 1,184
    IMHO the only real accurate way is to take the OS map and count the contours crossed - tedious but accurate, and it will under estimate! as small (<10m ) contour dips won`t be shown