Is this good / average or poor?

Dex Posts: 22
edited May 2008 in Road beginners
First ride with structured route and against clock.

Managed just over 17 miles in moderate wind in just under 59 minutes.

What does the jury suggest?


  • redddraggon
    redddraggon Posts: 10,862
    edited May 2008
    Is it good? Well that's up to you to decide.

    What's good varies from person to person
    , 17 miles in 59mins might be good over my hilly routes, but it might be awful on my flatter rides.
    I like bikes...

  • Swannie
    Swannie Posts: 107
    Well, I think even over flat that's pretty bloody good.
  • Mystique
    Mystique Posts: 342
    Well done indeed - I'd be happy with it...
  • bazza59
    bazza59 Posts: 33
    well done - the fun part will be doing it again and again and monitoring how you are improving. Keep a record of your times and the wind speed and direction, the met office website is reasonably good for checking local winds.
  • Bronzie
    Bronzie Posts: 4,927
    Dex wrote:
    What does the jury suggest?
    Ride a local evening 10 and see how you really compare to others
  • musto_skiff
    musto_skiff Posts: 394
    Bronzie wrote:
    Dex wrote:
    What does the jury suggest?
    Ride a local evening 10 and see how you really compare to others

    I did that ... and I came last :(

    I'm going back tonight for another go but I am sure I will again be last; they all have big shaved legs and fancy low profile bikes with tri bars ....
  • musto_skiff
    musto_skiff Posts: 394
    Bronzie wrote:
    Dex wrote:
    What does the jury suggest?
    Ride a local evening 10 and see how you really compare to others

    I did that ... and I came last :( with 27:58 (average 21.4mph)

    I'm going back tonight for another go but I am sure I will again be last; they all have big shaved legs and fancy low profile bikes with tri bars ....
  • nolf
    nolf Posts: 1,287
    27:58 and last is a bit of a bummer as thats a pretty good average, especially if it was a hilly course.
    "I hold it true, what'er befall;
    I feel it, when I sorrow most;
    'Tis better to have loved and lost;
    Than never to have loved at all."

    Alfred Tennyson
  • musto_skiff
    musto_skiff Posts: 394
    nolf wrote:
    27:58 and last is a bit of a bummer as thats a pretty good average, especially if it was a hilly course.

    Course is pretty flat apart from a flyover over an A road.

    They are all just good and I am a beginner and the wrong side of 40...

    I don't mind coming last as I know I could stuff them all at sailing :D which is my sport; the cycling is just for fun & fitness.

    I hope to do better tonight but I suspect I will still be last ... bloody windy again ... usually I hope for wind.
  • musto_skiff
    musto_skiff Posts: 394
    Managed 27:09 this week ... only one person overtook me this time :D
  • azzerb
    azzerb Posts: 208
    Just enjoy it for what it is. And if they beat you, who cares? You're making your own achievements right now.
  • musto_skiff
    musto_skiff Posts: 394
    azzerb wrote:
    Just enjoy it for what it is. And if they beat you, who cares? You're making your own achievements right now.

    As I said I have no problem coming last ... this is just training for sailing for me ...

    I hope not to be last by the end of the summer though ...
  • pirwin1
    pirwin1 Posts: 248
    So I guess you sail a musto skiff judging by your user name. I sail too! I sail a 420 and the cycling is for my fitness primarily too but it pretty fun aswell.
  • Alex_Simmons/RST
    Alex_Simmons/RST Posts: 4,161
    Bronzie wrote:
    Dex wrote:
    What does the jury suggest?
    Ride a local evening 10 and see how you really compare to others

    I did that ... and I came last :( with 27:58 (average 21.4mph)

    I'm going back tonight for another go but I am sure I will again be last; they all have big shaved legs and fancy low profile bikes with tri bars ....
    Stick a set of clip on aerobars on your bike and you'll go at least 1 minute faster....

    Then you'll get hooked :wink::lol:
  • musto_skiff
    musto_skiff Posts: 394
    Bronzie wrote:
    Dex wrote:
    What does the jury suggest?
    Ride a local evening 10 and see how you really compare to others

    I did that ... and I came last :( with 27:58 (average 21.4mph)

    I'm going back tonight for another go but I am sure I will again be last; they all have big shaved legs and fancy low profile bikes with tri bars ....
    Stick a set of clip on aerobars on your bike and you'll go at least 1 minute faster....

    Do they really make that much difference :shock: ?
  • Bronzie
    Bronzie Posts: 4,927
    Do they really make that much difference :shock: ?
    Yep - good aero position is worth at least 1 min over 10 miles compared to riding on the drops

    Musto, you knocked 40 secs off your time in a week - that's great improvement which is all you should be concerned with at the minute - you won't be last in a few weeks time if you can keep it going the right direction, although obviously the improvements come in increasinly small increments. Learning how to pace your effort together with improving fitness will knock another couple of minutes off your time by the end of the summer if you plug away at it.

    Don't be phased by shaved legs either - they are just posers (like me) :wink:
  • musto_skiff
    musto_skiff Posts: 394
    Bronzie wrote:
    Do they really make that much difference :shock: ?
    Yep - good aero position is worth at least 1 min over 10 miles compared to riding on the drops

    Musto, you knocked 40 secs off your time in a week


    I think I pushed harder and it was less windy; but still windy ...

    Can you get these bars that are easy to put on/take off as I don't want them all the time, can anyone recommend some?
  • Bronzie
    Bronzie Posts: 4,927
    Yeah baby - you got the bug! :lol:

    The Profile bars are pretty good value clip-ons.

    But remember that to get a good position for TTing you will probably need to move your saddle forward so your hips are further over the bottom bracket - otherwise you'll be too strecthed out and won't be able to get the power out as the angle between your torso and hips will be too acute.

    Try it without moving the saddle at first to see how you get on as its a faff to keep moving the saddle about, but the quick solution is to buy a 2nd seat-pin with a forward angle in it and saddle and just swap these over when you clip the bars on.
  • musto_skiff
    musto_skiff Posts: 394
    Bronzie wrote:
    Yeah baby - you got the bug! :lol:

    The Profile bars are pretty good value clip-ons.

    They don't look very adjustable ... :(