How's my riding?!

CyclingBantam Posts: 1,299
edited May 2008 in Road beginners
Hello all,

I have been doing my daily commute now for about 6 months. It has always sat at about 8 miles each way over a hilly route (West Yorks, in to Halifax). Over the last 3 weeks I have started going a longer Route which it 12.5 miles each way. I have been trying to build up my fitness to enable me to join a local cycling club and have been aiming to complete my commute at an av. speed of approx 17 mph as judging by on here that seems to be the required standard. Well tonight I managed to get 17.1mph ave so I am quite chuffed. Beeing fair though there was little traffic to contend with and I was only slowed down by trffic or lights about 7 or 8 times so feel I may have made this speed due to good fortune as opposed to the norm (I normally do it at about 16.5mph.) I have also checked the start and finish altitudes and it is 250 ft higher at the start as opposed to the finish although I coudn't have guessed by the ride (It doesn't feel mainly down hill at all!!)

If you are still awake after reading my ramblings... do you think I am now ready to join a local club, I really don't want to have people waiting around for me on my 1st run!

I am also planning riding the 'Pain in the pennines' 60 mile sportive on 15th June which is a local ride. Am I likely to struggle to make that? I may be being over cautious here but like to get some idea to make sure my ideas are not way off the mark!




  • on the road
    on the road Posts: 5,631
    BenBlyth wrote:
    If you are still awake after reading my ramblings... do you think I am now ready to join a local club, I really don't want to have people waiting around for me on my 1st run!
    Yes, and you might find that you're waiting for others to catch up to you depending on what club you choose to join. :)