Mont Ventoux & Surrounding Area

chickenlegs Posts: 246
edited May 2008 in Tour & expedition
Hoping to do some riding in the Ardeche area next week & realising that Mt V is only a few kilometres away am seeking some advice.

(1) I believe that there are three routes up Mt V? Which route(s) would you recommend.

(2) I assume that the snow at the summit will have cleared at this time of the year?

(3) Any other suggestions or thoughts on riding in this are would be appreciated.


  • ut_och_cykla
    ut_och_cykla Posts: 1,594
    From Sault is nice and steady - the easiest I believe but still a challenge!
  • andyp
    andyp Posts: 10,580
    The classic racing route is from Bedoin. This is the route the 1967 Tour took when Tom Simpson lost his life.

    I passed Mont Ventoux on a TGV on Sunday and it looked to me like there was some snow still on it (there were storms all through the Alps last week and a lot of fresh snow at altitude).
  • elvis6093
    elvis6093 Posts: 28
    there 2 weeks ago and great weather
    tiny amount of snow on top - all routes open. route from sault a bit too easy - do it from bedoin and you will have lots of company
  • guinea
    guinea Posts: 1,177
    Sault or Bedoin ar your best bets. I did it three times in two days. twice from Sault and once from Bedoin.

    Sault is far easier, but you still have the same classic last 6km once you get out of the trees. If you are at all nervous I'd recommend you did it from Sault as a warm up for the real thing the next day. The Bedoin route is shorter by about 5km and has an extra 400m of climbing, so it's far harder.

    I have a couple of picture from my climbs a couple of weeks ago here - - you can see there is still snow in places. Although Ventoux always looks like there is snow on top...
  • chickenlegs
    chickenlegs Posts: 246
    Thanks everybody for your replies, as I may only have one day it looks as if it will be the Bedoin route.
    Guinea your article & pics were inspirational, I take my hat off to you both. I might print it off & attach it to the bars on my bike so that I can read it through blurred vision & tears of pain on the way up!!
  • guinea
    guinea Posts: 1,177
    Enjoy it. Honestly, it was amazing. There is a real sense of history about the place, especially on the last stretch.