Numb Bum?

redddraggon Posts: 10,862
edited May 2008 in Road beginners
Just something you get used to the more miles you do, or saddle issue?
I like bikes...



  • le_grimpeur
    le_grimpeur Posts: 135
    Normally the former, even with a decent saddle it usually takes me three or four 2 hour rides to acclimatise. But the saddle could be the cause. Personally I have found the saddles that align the sit bones better. But it could be something worse, such as ischial bursitis - an inflammation of the bursa that sits above the leg bone, or an inflammatin giong septic. So, get some advice about saddles, and if the problem persists, go to a gp
    The ultimate cruelty of love's pinions
  • redddraggon
    redddraggon Posts: 10,862
    I've done plenty of 2 hour rides but only recently taking the distance up above that, and the numbness is only appearing after the 30 or mile point of my rides, everytime I go out it seems to take a bit longer for the numbess to appear - I guess that means I'm just getting used to the saddle?
    I like bikes...

  • le_grimpeur
    le_grimpeur Posts: 135
    If the numbness is taking longer to appear, that would seem to me that you are getting used to it. If you had a more significant problem, it would probably manifest itself within the hour. So, it would seem that you are acclimatising. You could also try wearing two pairs of cycling shorts. Also, try varying your ride length, If the problem occurs after two hours, how about a two hour ride, then two and a half, keep repeating the two hours rides, but on the alternate longer rides, extend that by, say, 30 mins each time to a level you are comfortable with. OR, increase the severity of the two hour rides, eg by hill climbs, or increase the speed for 30 second bursts. At least you'll improve whilst you further acclimatise
    The ultimate cruelty of love's pinions
  • magnetdoggs
    magnetdoggs Posts: 69
    my bum has always gone numb, after 2.5 hours its getting unbearable, i keep having to stand up on the bike to releave the pressure.

    ive had 4 saddles all of which give varying levels of numb bumness.

    the saddle im on now is a bontrager which has a comfort guarantee :?:
  • le_grimpeur
    le_grimpeur Posts: 135
    yours sounds like a different problem, in that it always goes numb, and after 2.5 hrs is unbearable - as opposed to a degree of acclimatising. I do think it is tricky finding the right saddle, like you I am on no.4, and have a preference for Specialized's body geometry. have you identified the soreness, as in is it your perineum, as double shorts could help, certainly worth considering the bg saddles or others with a cut out section for aiding blood flow - assuming you haven't done that yet. Check that your saddle is level, and try different cycling positions - a racing position shifts the position of the pressure
    The ultimate cruelty of love's pinions
  • I wish mine would go numb :)

    After three hours it feels like I'm sitting on a couple of spikes.

    I don't really know of any solution but to get off an have a walk around. Happily, these days I'm usually not in any kind of hurry, so that's what I do.
  • dennisn
    dennisn Posts: 10,601
    yours sounds like a different problem, in that it always goes numb, and after 2.5 hrs is unbearable - as opposed to a degree of acclimatising. I do think it is tricky finding the right saddle, like you I am on no.4, and have a preference for Specialized's body geometry. have you identified the soreness, as in is it your perineum, as double shorts could help, certainly worth considering the bg saddles or others with a cut out section for aiding blood flow - assuming you haven't done that yet. Check that your saddle is level, and try different cycling positions - a racing position shifts the position of the pressure

    Got to agree here. Level saddle at least and maybe even slightly nose up(slightly).
    I have used a cutout saddle and it prevented numbness of of Big Jim and the twins.
    Using a, so called, sit bone saddle right now and it works to prevent numbness. Not
    sure which I like better but both do a pretty fair job.

    Dennis Noward
  • magnetdoggs
    magnetdoggs Posts: 69
    its not my perinium that hurts its almost like my seat bones and the muscles around them.

    i have a level saddle with a cut out groove.

    not sure what this means. :(
  • le_grimpeur
    le_grimpeur Posts: 135
    You could have swollen bursa (ischial bursitis) - mentioned in a previous post - but as you describe it, you might have this condition. Treatment would be ibuprofen and icing. if it does not abate, do go see your gp.

    general descripton ... ekey=17111

    more detailed treatment analyses ... e_joi/9815
    The ultimate cruelty of love's pinions
  • Mettan
    Mettan Posts: 2,103
    I've found I get that with the infrequent long ride - ie a 3-4+ hour ride (I typically do High-intensity sub 45 minute rides) - for me, it does usually start to protest after 3 hours-ish - I use quite a comfy/wide saddle, so I'd imagine in my case its the repeated compression of my "internal bits" over time that's causing it (rather than a saddle issue).
  • The Mechanic
    The Mechanic Posts: 1,277
    Brooks - the cure!
    I have only two things to say to that; Bo***cks
  • redddraggon
    redddraggon Posts: 10,862
    Brooks - the cure!

    Do they come in white? :wink:
    I like bikes...
