tour normandy landing beaches

ramisis Posts: 38
edited May 2008 in Tour & expedition
I'm heading off to Caen on Monday traveling up to cherbourg then through new forest what's the cycling like on the cherbourge route and has anyone wild camped in the new forest coming from scotland i@m used to being able to wild camp easily not sure if tis is the case in england.


  • Hey,

    I'll be doing the Normandie coast in July. I'd be interested in any comments positive/negatives you have.

  • Special K
    Special K Posts: 449
    It's pretty windy. Prevailing westerlies make cycling that direction tough at times.

    Beware the main roads there, as everywhere. Some of the D roads near the coast are fantastic!
    "There are holes in the sky,
    Where the rain gets in.
    But they're ever so small
    That's why rain is thin. " Spike Milligan
  • cthompso
    cthompso Posts: 20
    I've cycled the route a couple of times and intend to do so again to coincide with the D-Day commemorations (June 6th) this year. As someone else mentioned it can be windy -if so then you can get some relief inland in the Bocage (high banks/hedges), I've tended to ride up inland then take the coast roads coming south.

    There are plenty of campsites and things to see, particularly around June 6th - it's certainly different to come across a staff car full of laughing Nazi's, or see a mass parachute drop.

    July/August the coast road can get busy with camper vans and the like, but there's usually some equally pleasant alternative where, even at that time, you won't see much traffic.