Anyone here doing the Hampshire Hilly Hundred tomorrow?

Jungli Posts: 201
Just curious...



  • kmahony
    kmahony Posts: 380
    I'll be there.
    Weather looks ok. Bit chilly in the morning.

    Any idea if the 2400m of climbing quoted is correct? Looks less.
  • richa
    richa Posts: 1,632
    I should be there.

    My Tracklogs / OS mapping has it at 2284m of climbing so it's about right.
  • I was there. Anyone able to manipulate the results into a usable format, that is ordered by time rather than start number?
  • Jungli
    Jungli Posts: 201
    Nope, have only seen the results on a pdf which can't be easily manipulated.

  • Who organised this event the CTT???!!!!!! :wink:

    I know they aren't supposed to be competitive, but it's nice to see how you went compared to the overall standard.
  • Jungli
    Jungli Posts: 201
    Results in position order are now up on the HHH site. ... byposition


    105th for me...
  • pjm-84
    pjm-84 Posts: 819
    Hope you enjoyed Beacon Hill.
  • I enjoyed one side of it..................
  • Jungli
    Jungli Posts: 201
    I wouldn't say I enjoyed it but it was strangely satisfying!

    I started getting slight cramp at the beginning but it eased off after a few minutes and then went as fast as I could from the descent onwards to empty the tanks!

    Excellent weather!
  • kmahony
    kmahony Posts: 380
    Was Beacon Hill the long narrow one towards the end? (not too steep).
    Seemed nice, except for the cars trying to push past. I was spent by then.
  • pjm-84
    pjm-84 Posts: 819
    No that would be Farley Mount.

    Beacon Hill was early on in the route. Single track road climbing up the side of a hill.
  • clanton
    clanton Posts: 1,289
    Not far before the final feed stop there was a cyclist down - two cars and lots of cyclists on the scene so I didn't stop. Does anyone know if he's ok?