Going from a single speed to my first geared bike...help...

Hazio123 Posts: 9
edited May 2008 in Road beginners
Hi everybody, first post on the forum and hopefully not my last.

I'm still very new to cycling (7ish months) but I've caught the bug! I'm currently riding a single speed Specialized Langster and i love it to bits. I do a 16 mile daily commute and in London I don't need any gears. However, I've just started doing a few longer rides at the weekend (40-50miles) and whilst I still love it, I've come across a few hills that have beaten me.

Anyway, I think its time to invest in another bike (geared) as I'm seriously considering LEJOG next summer.

I did find I really enjoyed the Specialized Roubaix Elite and all was looking good until my employed decided to ditch the ride to work scheme 2 days before I was about to buy the bike. At £2000 i think it's just a little too much to spend/justify on my first geared bike. Now I've been looking around for a couple of weeks and am starting to get to know whats out there, but some advice from you guys, the people that know best, would be great.

I've had a ride on the Allez which seemed ok, but not as nice as the Roubaix. Doh!

What about the Focus cayo? Good components, crap frame?

Again, planet X? Trek?

So many option I'm rather lost!

I wouldn't be opposed to last years stuff or used bikes either. Good places to find them?

Like i mention earlier some advice of where to buy, what to check out, used/new, carbon vs alu would be great!

Look forward to hearing from you all!


  • Hazio123
    Hazio123 Posts: 9
    Sorry, I should add that I want to spend up to £1000.
  • gkerr4
    gkerr4 Posts: 3,408
    you could get the roubaix elite for £1099 now - with 10% back in accessories from some stores (the concept store for one, but I felt this was a corporate cashback offer so perhaps other stores will offer it too)

    not quite the same spec as the elite, but still 105 gears and you can upgrade the wheels and stuff later.

    I have a roubaix too - they are nice bikes, Funnily enough, i chose it cos it most matched the geometry and fit of my langster - which I also love.
  • Hazio123
    Hazio123 Posts: 9
    Cheers for the reply...good to hear you were in the same position as me!

    I've narrowed it down to two today.

    I've found a 07 Roubaix Elite for £999 (full carbon, 105) although from what I've been reading the wheels are crap. I guess I could always upgrade at a later date.

    The other thing is this Planet X (full carbon / dura ace)...I can't turn a blind eye to such a good spec for the same price so I'm going to try one out on Monday! I'll let you all know what I think (if anyone cares ;) )!

    There appear to be some seriously good offers here too mostly on Giant stuff, there are a few 2.5k bikes which have been knocked down to 1k (a massive 1.5k saving! :O) I just cant help but not really like Giant for some reason!
  • gkerr4
    gkerr4 Posts: 3,408
    i'm the same - Giant don't do anything for me either - although they do seem to always offer good spec for the money.

    The PlanetX gets good reviews and as you said is a bargain with dura-ace for that price. still not good on the wheels front though.

    personally i'd still go for the roubaix but then I have had excellent customer service from them after I fecked a frame so am a bit biased.

    the roubiax is a good frame with a good fit - 105 gear is good and seen as the best value of the shimano stuff (it's no dura-ace right enough!). save up for some good wheels later on in the summer or for next year and you would have an awesome bike.

    your choice though - it's not easy at the £1000 mark as there is so much choice - and no-one really makes a rubbish bike anymore!

    good luck
  • Hazio123
    Hazio123 Posts: 9
    Well, I had a look/ride on a Planet X this morning and I must say, I didn't like it one bit compared to the Roubaix!

    I have now found somthing else I quite like mind you, a Bianchi 928 Caron jobby. I'm riding that tomorrow but am still keen on the Roubaix.

    Tell me, what do you guys think is better?

    A 2007 Roubaix Elite @ £999
    A 2008 Roubaix Elite @ £1099

    is there much difference?
  • gkerr4
    gkerr4 Posts: 3,408
    i didn't think there was any difference spec wise between the 07 and 08 roubaix - probably just colour change - which do you like the look of better?

    the 928 carbon bianchi is a nice bike too - available in Campag if you so wish.

    What did you not like about the PlanetX
  • Hazio123
    Hazio123 Posts: 9
    It felt and looked really cheap. Plus it turns out isnt wasn't full dura ace, it had average wheels and below average breaks. It is good value for money, but I'm going to give it a miss. At least with a Roubaix you know you have a good frame, a foundation on which you can build up new parts.

    What I can't work out is why the 08 elite says its on sale everywhere at £1099 yet this is its RRP price in the Specialized cat. Doesn't make any sense!

    I'm not fussed about the colour to be honest, ones black and white, and ones black and blue, they both look pretty neat if you ask me! The bianchi looks pretty neat too! Hmmmm

    Tricky, Tricky, Tricky!
  • Hazio123
    Hazio123 Posts: 9
    I've just bought the Bianchi! Its beautiful! :-)