I've got a drinking problem!

sazzledazzle Posts: 31
edited May 2008 in Road beginners
Bit embarassing for my first post but here goes....

No matter what I do I simply cannot seem to pedal and drink from my water bottle at the same time. Even if I try and concentrate really hard my legs just stop pedalling, it's like they are linked to the bottle or something! As soon as I reach down for it they stop working and it's driving me mad. I tried a camelbak over the weekend and that went pretty well, but I really need to be able to use as bottle as I have my first triathlon in a few weeks and stopping every time i take a drink probably isn't going to help too much :cry:

Anyone else suffer with this or should I just accept I am doomed to a life of drinking weirdness?
"To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all"



  • Rouge Penguin
    Rouge Penguin Posts: 347
    Quick Solution?

    Attach a length of pipe through the bottle lid, clip it to the frame and have the drinking end up from the handle bars. Its not pretty, but its a fudge that'll probably do the job. What do i know though, its only my 3rd post.

    For the actual problem its a habit your just going to have to work through on your training rides until its out of your system.
  • redddraggon
    redddraggon Posts: 10,862
    Just keep practicing. It took me ages until I was able to get the bottle out of the cage and even longer to be able to put the bottle back.
    I like bikes...

  • Alibran
    Alibran Posts: 370
    I'm still developing my drinking skills at the moment. So far I've managed to drop the bottle once when I missed the cage (not as bad as my partner, who dropped it and rode over it). Maybe just take little steps to start. Practice reaching for the bottle and still pedaling, then slide it a little way out of the cage and back, then right out and back, and only then actually move it away from the cage as if you're going to drink.
  • bobpzero
    bobpzero Posts: 1,431
    i suppose camelbak new bottle or a profiled bottle would be useful. keep practising and no bonking (hitting the wall for runners) and no last minute prep stuff.
  • JoeT
    JoeT Posts: 18
    Borrow a fixed gear bike for a couple of weeks, then see if you still stop pedaling. :)
  • lochindaal
    lochindaal Posts: 475
    I used to do something similar. Partly I think it is becuase I was knackered and then going to get a drink.

    I now start drinking a lot earlier and more often. I also now get my bottle out a hold it for a couple of seconds while still riding before I take a drink just to get my breathing controlled. When you are gasping for air and liquid at the same time it doesn't work too well :)
  • Thanks for the suggestions - It's good to know it's not just me that struggles with this. I think I will just have to practice and hope that things improve over time, i've only been riding since feb so i guess it's early days yet :D

    I do like the idea of a super long straw though :lol:
    "To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all"
