"Clicking" Sound Coming From Pedals... Any thought

Count Picnic
Count Picnic Posts: 2
edited May 2008 in Road beginners
Hello folks.

I'm not a 'serious' cyclist, in that I don't wear all the gear or spend loads of money on it. I cycle for about an hour and 20 minutes a day, mainly just going to/from work and going to the shops.

Anyway, I've got a cheap (compared to what you dudes on this forum no doubt spend) road bike, a Giant something-or-other. It cost me £350.

Anyway, it's fine and I'm really happy with it, apart from 2 things:

1) Whenever I press the left pedal down, it makes a sort of clicking sound. It always does it at the same point in the revolution of the pedals. Dunno if it's coming from the pedals or the chain or the gears or what. But I've had this with other bikes before, so I'm guessing it's a common thing.

2) The bike has 3 x 8 gears. But when I go down to '1' on the left gear thingy, it fucks up and goes all crappy (sorry if my overly-technical language baffles you). 2 and 3 on the left side are fine. I recently had it serviced (a couple of weeks ago) which did improve the gears, but not entirely. Is it easy to fix myself? I'm scared I'll just make it worse.

Thanks in advance for any help.


  • andrewc3142
    andrewc3142 Posts: 906
    1) Probably the bottom bracket is not done up right. Hold the bike firmly and push the offending pedal towards the bike a few times. If it clicks, that's probably your problem. You need a special tool to do this but your LBS can do it while you wait, probably for free if you bought it from there or given that you had a service not long ago.

    2) Setting gears requires suspending the bike in some way and playing around with the adjustments. Google will throw up lots of diagrams. Not that hard and very satisfying to do it first time, if I correctly remember that far back ...