Thigh Cramps @ 35 miles

magnetdoggs Posts: 69
edited May 2008 in Road beginners

Ive noticed a problem when Im cycling. Around the 35 mile mark both my thighs will start to cramp up, they feel like an elastic band stretching slowly with pain and if i put any power down they feel like they will snap and then Ill be on the floor.

I can keep cycling if I keep the cadence high but if I need to sprint or blast up a hill, them Im in trouble.

Ive tried various sports drinks which are for cramps like SIS go etc.

Is this just something I need to train out or is 35 miles my maximum.

cheers :D


  • I get cramps sometimes when cycling. Because I'm not in a particular hurry, my solution so far has been to take it easy (i.e., slow down) until the cramping stops. Then pick up again until it starts again, which sometimes it does.

    As the weather has improved and I've cycled more, I've been getting the problem less often. So I assume that -- for me at least -- the problem is due to inadequate muscle condition for the time or intensity of the ride.
  • Tootler
    Tootler Posts: 53
    A similar thing happens to me (sometimes, on some routes), on or around the 3hr mark.
    I initially thought it was nutrition/hydration based but I suspect its more likely to be what the CrookedCucumber said with respect to muscle condition and intensity.
  • I used to suffer from thigh cramp. It was always in the same spot in the same leg.
    The intensity would build quickly to an excruciating muscle tension and level of pain that used to leave me pale and drained.
    To some degree I learned to control it, by leaping from the bike, standing on the other leg and shaking the cramped leg vigorously to relax the muscle tension. This in itself was very painfull but it worked.
    I was advised to drink more water when riding, and also immediately after a suffering from cramp. In desperation one day, I emptied my water bottle whilst shaking my right leg vigorously at the same time. My riding companions were hysterical with laughter but guess what? it worked. Since then I have drunk much more water than I had previously thought necessary and never had cramps since that day. :D
  • drenkrom
    drenkrom Posts: 1,062
    Hydration is the main suspect for cramping, before the electrolyte intake. It's worth nothing changing what you drink if you don't drink enough of it to begin with. I used to have that habit, but changed it by associating my drinking with other stuff I do on the bike. For instance, anytime I get out of the saddle to stretch out a bit, when I sit down I drink. Anytime I take a turn onto a new road, I drink. Stuff like that helps to build a good habit. If you excrete a lot of salt in your sweat (white marks on dark sweaty clothes once they dry), checking your mineral intake will surely help as well.

    Learning to stretch on the bike also helps. Giving each muscle group a nice stretch after a half-hour's worth of riding will do much more for you than stretching cold muscles before leaving. For the calves, I usually unclip a foot on a fast bit of road where I can coast, hook my foot on my saddle and stretch the calf out. It can feel soooo good after a few hours of pounding, too. Always stretch those muscles, or they are bound to bunch up.

    If the high cadence on low resistance solves the problem once the cramping has begun, why not make it a habit to always ride that way? It may be an indication that pushing high loads is not what your muscles do best. Change little things one at a time and you'll end up finding what your problem was, along with its solution.

    Happy trails!
  • magnetdoggs
    magnetdoggs Posts: 69

    my last ride i kept up a high cadence from the word go. I thought i was taking enough water on as i really needed a pee towards the end of the ride.

    Does anyone know a good on the bike thigh stretch?

  • BigStu2
    BigStu2 Posts: 794
    Remember the golden rule, if your pee is clear your well hydrated. Get up early on your riding days and start drinking lots of water,
    If you have a cyclecomputer check it every 10 min and take a sip.
    At the end of a ride drain your bottle and your sure to be on your way to beating cramps.
    Heres something that I discovered on the weekend that I had heard about years ago, Apparently the American football players in the 50's would wring out there sweat filled jerseys and drink it (belch) in an attempt to recover salts lost while sweating ( Thus they invented gatorade I believe).
    I just happened to lick my arm after a 120km ride on sunday and the salt on my skin was in abundance, so after discreatly licking myself up and down my arms ( yes it sounds discusting and maybe I'll wait till I'm home next time) the effects where quickly noticable, the salt went back in to where it should be and I backed up to a training ride on tuesday and rode the doors off everybody.
    So the moto is Lick Sip and you wont Suck.

  • drenkrom
    drenkrom Posts: 1,062
    BigStu2 wrote:
    I just happened to lick my arm after a 120km ride on sunday

    You "just happened" to lick your arm? :shock:
  • keef66
    keef66 Posts: 13,123
    I just add half a teaspoon of salt and a teaspoon of sugar to my water bottle if I'm going to be sweating a lot. Helps avoid cramp in my calves.

    When I get back the dog likes to lick me, so maybe she's short of salt too.
  • magnetdoggs
    magnetdoggs Posts: 69
    :lol: problem id have licking my arms would be all the dead flies on them, not sure they would be that good for you. :P

    im gonna try taking antacid tablets before a ride as my pee is clear and im well hydrated.
  • Cajun
    Cajun Posts: 1,048
    If you're going to take antacids, get a brand that also includes magnesium...calcium is better assimulated with magnesium combined.
  • drenkrom
    drenkrom Posts: 1,062
    :lol: problem id have licking my arms would be all the dead flies on them, not sure they would be that good for you. :P

    Of course they would! Extra post-ride protein.
  • magnetdoggs
    magnetdoggs Posts: 69
    thought id post a little report :lol:

    went out yesterday and did 43 miles and had no cramp! im amazed! my legs were wrecked by the end so i didnt push it but i was pleased that the cramp didnt come through.

    this is what i did.

    my normal breakfast - oats
    started drinking lots of water
    1 banana
    2 antacid (with magnesium) tablets about 1.5 hours before
    drank sis go on the ride.

    seems to of worked.
    I also stretched my legs more on this ride and stopped occaisionally for a pee or water top up.
  • Crapaud
    Crapaud Posts: 2,483
    thought id post a little report :lol:

    went out yesterday and did 43 miles and had no cramp! im amazed! my legs were wrecked by the end so i didnt push it but i was pleased that the cramp didnt come through.

    this is what i did.

    my normal breakfast - oats
    started drinking lots of water
    1 banana
    2 antacid (with magnesium) tablets about 1.5 hours before
    drank sis go on the ride.

    seems to of worked.
    I also stretched my legs more on this ride and stopped occaisionally for a pee or water top up.
    Am I be the only one that's disappointed that you didn't take a dog along with you and wring it out at the end of the ride? :D
    A fanatic is one who can’t change his mind and won’t change the subject - Churchill