Coming from the other side...

maddmatt Posts: 166
edited May 2008 in Road beginners
Dare i say it in this forum, i'm a mountain biker! lol Anyways, got offered an old road bike for free, so i thought what the hell n said yes. So, a few general pointers in the way of riding roads would be nice, also whats the difference between clincher and ordinary wheels?


  • lateralus
    lateralus Posts: 309
    welcome. We're actually a firendly lot and many of us ride mountain bikes. General pointers - get out there and enjoy it!

    Clinchers are "ordinary" wheels, so called because the beads of the tyre are squeezed against the inside of the rim, keeping it in place. The other kind are "tubulars", so called because the tyre's cross section is actually a cylinder. The rims have a curved outer section instead of the two "lips" on a clincher rim, and the tyre is glued on to the rim. They supposedly roll better and can be inflated to higher pressures, but are obviously a b*gger if you get a puncture.
  • Jon8a
    Jon8a Posts: 235

    I'm a fellow Mtb doing a bit on the road.

    Embrace the lycra, I still do baggies on the hills but after one wet, windy 50 mile ride on the road I realised baggies have no place.

    Carry things on your bike. Mtbers tend to prefer Camelbaks but the position on a roadbike makes them uncomfortable. So use bottles and a saddle pack. You really don't need to carry that much as you are much less likely to break things on a road bike.

    Clinchers are normal tyres.

    Be careful where you ride. On a mountain bike the obstacles are generally static but on the road they're all out to run you over. If you haven't done much cycling on roads then maybe hunt down a copy of cycle craft as that gives good advice so I'm told.

    You can go bloody miles 50miles will take around 3hrs in my experience. Massively further than you'd ever get offroad in the same time.
  • maddmatt
    maddmatt Posts: 166
    Thanks very much mate, yea im an xcer so lycra is my friend lol Thanks for the general pointers, hope to get my fitness up and compete some time soon. I need a wheel set im on a very small budget, any recomendations?