Build up to Sportive

fizz Posts: 483
OK two weeks nearly to go till the Tour of Wessex

I'm doing the 95 miler on the Saturday. I've been putting the miles in, I've been out today and done 84 hilly miles in 5hrs 40 and dont feel to bad, felt a bit crappy after about 30 odd miles and then again at 45 miles but I didnt have chance to get breakfast today as I overslept and didnt get up in time to have breakfast and meet the guys I was riding with on time.

What should I be doing in the next couple of weeks so I have fresh legs ready for the day.

I normally do a big ride of 25 - 30 miles each night on Tues, Weds, Thurs and then a smaller ride of about 10 ish miles on Monday and Friday and then a big ride on Saturday and then a rest day on Sunday.

I was planning to repeat this next week, and then the week before just do some small rides of 10 miles or so on Mon, tues, Weds and have the two days before the event itself as rest days.

Does that sound sensible or is it to much ? Any tips of advice appreciated



  • judojody
    judojody Posts: 17
    Sounds good to me!

    Were you out and about near Cheddar today? Saw loads of bikes out today might have been you. I managed 90 miles today 5hours 50mins all good no niggles around Cheddar, Wedmore area upto Chew Valley Lake.

    I am also doing the 95 miles on saturday and am currently trainig for the UK Ironman so pretty dedicated.

    To me it sounds like you can cope with the distance already. So just have an easier week maybe and don't ride on Friday.

    Have some breakfast, it definatley helps me, I can tell if I haven't had any!

    Good luck!
  • fizz
    fizz Posts: 483
    No I wasnt up around there today, I live in Yeovil so I've been out an about in that kind of general area.

    I do normally have breakfast before my ride you're right it definately helps.