Dartmoor Classic

yogi Posts: 456
Seems as the official Dartmoor Classic website has shutdown in preparation for the event (strange!).

Anyway, best of luck to all those taking part The weather is certainly looking a lot better, will be a case of breaking out the sun lotion rather than the overshoes.

Just be aware that when you descend a very long fast hill after Ponsworthy to the junction at Cockingford there is a very nasty ford with quite a deep channel running in the centre. If you hit it fast you will be over the bars.

Route details below - thanks Reaperman, whoever you are.

http://www.bikely.com/maps/bike-path/da ... rtive-2008

See you there.


  • milese
    milese Posts: 1,233
    Was a good day today. Fantastic weather, nice ridable course (unlike North Cornwall Tor!) on quiet roads with some great scenary.

    I say fantastic weather, its was bloody hot, probably too hot and I've got a bit of sun burn!

    I got around the 100 miles in 7 hours 40 mins, which is better than I expected for my first ever ride over 70 miles. I waned to do it in 8 hours to get bronze so am happy.

    Legs are certainly a bit sore now, and I'm going to sleep well tonight!
  • yogi
    yogi Posts: 456
    Well done Miles, that's a good time for your first 100. I didn't think the course was that easy, in fact I thought it was bloody hard!

    I did 7:33. We were on schedule for a gold time in the first 50 miles but it all went pear shaped when I starting cramping badly just before Princetown. Yes that was me, if anyone saw some guy rolling around by the side of the road, face down in agony. Couldn't really push it on the hills after that.

    Caught up with Rach on the run-in too. That was her first 100 too.

    Amazingly one of our YOGi regulars; Gary Pike did 5:33 !!!!!!!!
  • milese
    milese Posts: 1,233
    I didn't say it was easy! It just contained some flat sections and some progressive climbs, which is more than can be said for the NCT.

    I saw several people between the Burrator Inn and Princetown slumped over the handlebars, lying on the grass and generally in severe need of a rest, so you weren't alone.

    That section finished me off really, and meant that I wasn't ging to be getting up any of the remaining hills at anything other than a crawl.
  • onehipwonder
    onehipwonder Posts: 129
    I wish i could remember the flat bits :shock:
    This years route was way harder than last years, the climbs to Princetown and after were really leg sapping, I was just pleased to finish as I also suffered with cramp. Just made it to bronze with 7.53.
  • mr_tricolore
    mr_tricolore Posts: 255
    15 seconds... FIFTEEN seconds... one quarter of a minute! that's by how much I missed gold! People keep telling me that doing the course in 6:20:15 in good, but I can't get the thought out of my head. I got silver for dropping my sunglasses at the top of Dartmeer, or calling my wife when in Princetown!! 15 seconds....

    Smashing good route though!
    You only need one!
    FGG #2909
  • Ken Night
    Ken Night Posts: 2,005
    edited May 2008
    15 seconds... FIFTEEN seconds... one quarter of a minute! that's by how much I missed gold! People keep telling me that doing the course in 6:20:15 in good, but I can't get the thought out of my head. I got silver for dropping my sunglasses at the top of Dartmeer, or calling my wife when in Princetown!! 15 seconds....

    Smashing good route though!


    I didn’t feel the route flowed in the same way as other sportives round the country-the White Rose Classic for example-it was very bitty

    IMHO Dartmoor has so much more to offer than the lanes around Drewsteignton, which are gravely, strewn with thorns, and incur the wrath of motorists as there is little room to pass, have brutal hills even if shortish, and descents on which you can't really let go for fear of the surface and not being able to see

    there are many long climbs and descents with nice views, open roads etc. I have no problem with the route being hard, and Dartmeet and the other climbs at the end are appropriate to Dartmoor. Widdicombe would have been good!

    Motorists were on the whole considerate though there was inevitably one 4x4 driver with a much better right to the road than the cyclists

    It would have been nice to have a meal as part of the entry price-as do the Fred Whitton, WRC, Iron Mountain etc-and showers-some people come from a long away

    That said, it was a great day out, well organised on the ground, well signed, superbly marshalled, and a worthy challenge. May it continue to improve as a showcase of our fantastic area in which to cycle

    yogi wrote:

    I did 7:33. We were on schedule for a gold time in the first 50 miles but it all went pear shaped when I starting cramping badly just before Princetown.

    Hard luck KIm

    The first 50, even 70miles were relatively straightforward, and the last 25 rather difficult-a lot of people cramped and I guess a lot of people suffered from dehydration and sunstroke
    “It is by riding a bicycle that you learn the contours of a country best..." Ernest Hemingway
  • Is it just me, or are organisers just trying to make their sportive the hardest one possible?

    I thought Dartmoor was really well organised and well marshalled, but it did seem to be tough for the sake of tough, rather than to make it an enjoyable (albeit challenging) ride. I was talking to a local who had ridden the course, and he was saying there were a number of other roads that could have been taken which would have been easier - a bit less steep, up or down, a bit wider, a bit smoother etc. Certainly, you could let go on the descents because of the road quality and not knowing what was round the next corner.

    I have to say that the drivers were very considerate yesterday - I didn't see any real evidence of plonkerish driving which was really nice.

    I was amazed at the number of cyclists walking on the later hills - on some they outnumbered the cyclists 3:1! I'm proud to say I rode every inch!
  • reaper2
    reaper2 Posts: 55
    Hi Yogi. I am the reaper. Did the course last year and loved it. Could'nt do it this year as had a wedding to go too. Bloody friends :D . hope the route was of some use as it looked great. looks like it was very hot out there.
  • gert_lush
    gert_lush Posts: 634
    I have to say that for my 1st ever Sportif I thouroughly enjoyed the day. I thought it was very well organised and marshalled and I enjoyed the route, especially the last 25 miles which were great. My aim was a bronze which I did in a 7.36 but if i haven't stopped to eat so many banana's and flapjacks Could have possibly challenged for a sub 7hr....but its always easy to say that the next day whilst sat on my butt drinking tea!
    My beautiful granite trophey has pride of place on the mantle peace

    .......p.s. rode every inch woohooo
    FCN 8 mainly
    FCN 4 sometimes
  • mr_tricolore
    mr_tricolore Posts: 255
    Checking the requiremnets for gold medal on the Dartmoor Classic website... it says:
    "- Gold Men less than 6 hrs 20 mins
    - Silver Men 6 hrs 21 mins to 6 hrs 50 mins
    - Bronze Men 6 hrs 51 mins to 8 hrs"

    what happens when you've done BETWEEN 6h20 and 6h21? I did 6 hrs 20 min 15 sec, which means I'm in some sort of sportive limbo, yet they gave me a silver medal... surely that's not in any way more fair than giving me gold...
    You only need one!
    FGG #2909
  • yogi
    yogi Posts: 456
    Bad luck William (mr.Tricolore). It was an impressive time none the less. What about Garry Pikes 5:33 - he is a motorbike - explains why it hurts so much whilst hanging onto his wheel through all those winter evening training rides..

    Ther event was certainly different to last years. I must say that I enjoyed catching up with other riders, particularly when we rejoined the 100K people.

    I would generally agree with Ken's comments.
  • mr_tricolore
    mr_tricolore Posts: 255
    Indeed, Garry's time makes me feel like I was lazy or something!

    Just posted my views on North Cornwall Tor at http://yogi.terapad.com
    You only need one!
    FGG #2909
  • yogi
    yogi Posts: 456
    Anyone found photo's online yet?

    Thanks for plotting the route Reaper2.
  • Ken Night
    Ken Night Posts: 2,005
    Indeed, Garry's time makes me feel like I was lazy or something!

    Just posted my views on North Cornwall Tor at http://yogi.terapad.com

    There was someone only 6seconds out, William!

    Is Gary the mountainbiker (from Kingsbridge?), who rides a Trek road bike and who rode me into the dust one evening last summer?

    “It is by riding a bicycle that you learn the contours of a country best..." Ernest Hemingway
  • Ken Night
    Ken Night Posts: 2,005
    Indeed, Garry's time makes me feel like I was lazy or something!

    Just posted my views on North Cornwall Tor at http://yogi.terapad.com

    There was someone only 6seconds out, William!

    Is Gary the mountainbiker (from Kingsbridge?), who rides a Trek road bike and who rode me into the dust one evening last summer?

    “It is by riding a bicycle that you learn the contours of a country best..." Ernest Hemingway
  • Ken Night
    Ken Night Posts: 2,005
    Indeed, Garry's time makes me feel like I was lazy or something!

    Just posted my views on North Cornwall Tor at http://yogi.terapad.com

    There was someone only 6seconds out, William!

    Is Gary the mountainbiker (from Kingsbridge?), who rides a Trek road bike and who rode me into the dust one evening last summer?

    “It is by riding a bicycle that you learn the contours of a country best..." Ernest Hemingway
  • Alfietom
    Alfietom Posts: 4
    Hi Guy's - New to the forum so not sure of the etiquette!!

    Dartmoor Classic - What a day! Perfect weather fantastic course - stunning scenery - Up until about 80 miles.....then the'Leg Breakers' started!! God the last 25 miles were the longest 25 miles i've ever ridden.

    It was my 1st ever UK Sportive and I came in with 6hrs 8 mins for the 100miler a GOLD!!!!
    Chuffed to bits. Ive worked my time out from the results to place myself 10th overall. All good grounding for the Etape in July.

    Can anybody recommend any quality sportives in the South West before July? but they need to be sensible ones. I went to watch (by car) the Cornwall Tor which (for me) was just far to hard and unrideable. I agree that Sportives should be challenging but to just stick in as many stupidly steep hills as possible is just demoralising and pointless.
  • mr-ed
    mr-ed Posts: 130
    yogi wrote:
    Well done Miles, that's a good time for your first 100. I didn't think the course was that easy, in fact I thought it was bloody hard!

    I did 7:33. We were on schedule for a gold time in the first 50 miles but it all went pear shaped when I starting cramping badly just before Princetown. Yes that was me, if anyone saw some guy rolling around by the side of the road, face down in agony. Couldn't really push it on the hills after that.

    Caught up with Rach on the run-in too. That was her first 100 too.

    Amazingly one of our YOGi regulars; Gary Pike did 5:33 !!!!!!!!

    You too!

    I don't think I'd ever ridden that far in that heat. I when I started cramping it was completely new too me I've never had it before! Johnny gave me some things to put in my bottle to help but they didn't seem to kick in for ages. I couldn't even ride up Dartmeet (as William saw) as soon as I got out of the saddle my right leg was just locking up. Between there and Bovey Tracey I pretty much never wanted to ride a bike again but when I saw the 5 mile sign I seemed to get new fresh legs. Flew into the finish which defiantly improved my mood!

    I can't believe Pikey's time he's just a machine
  • reaper2
    reaper2 Posts: 55
    I reccomend the tour of wessex sportive weekend of 24th may.Its a 3 day event.but you can do as many days as you like. first and last days have some hard hills. but sounds like you should breeze it. There will be a load of us from Tor2000.co.uk on the first day and me on day 2 and 3. were in the south west are you. We do training at ilton airfield on tuedays which is great practice for group riding in sportives. leave a message here and i''l tell you more if interested
  • Alfietom
    Alfietom Posts: 4
    Hi Reaper 2
    I'm down near Truro, so maybe a bit far for the training rides! I'll probably enter the final day of the Tour of Wessex if I can still get in. I'll check the website now.

    Thanks for the info!
  • yogi
    yogi Posts: 456
    Can anybody recommend any quality sportives in the South West before July?


    There you go - 100 miler on Sunday 29th June starting from Topsham, Exeter - we're hoping to take a few up for that one.
  • mrs-hanky
    mrs-hanky Posts: 4
    As Pikey's partner, I'd first off like to say how proud I am of his achievement on Sunday.

    Secondly, how his no nonsense training regime helped me to complete my first ever sportif in a time that I am over the moon with. (100k in 6 hours 39mins and that with a dodgey chain after some ill advised gear changing on the 1 in 5 after Dartmeet!!) I really enjoyed the day and I'm determined to improve for next year.

    It was a fantastic day and the culmination of many hours of hard work (and patience on the part of Mr Pike!)
  • yogi
    yogi Posts: 456
    Well done Mrs. Hanky (or should i say Mrs. Pike) - Gary failed to tell us that you were taking part too, if I'd known I'd have given you a mention on our website.

    Perhaps you should both do it on the tandem next year.

    You and Caroline should join us for one of our Saturday morning rides.
  • mrs-hanky
    mrs-hanky Posts: 4
    Funnily enough Garry has mentioned the possibility of the tandem next year - we did see a couple on Sunday - hats off to them!!!