Devil Ride update

FondoMan Posts: 85
Apologies to anyone who has already got the gist of this via email...but with around three months to go the Devil Ride is filling up nicely and there are only around 200 places left, so we thought it was time for a quick update on what has been happening ...

The first bit of news is that we have secured a major sponsor for the event in the form of Orbea. This won't have any impact on the way we organise the event, but it does mean that one lucky finisher will be walking away with a brand new Orbea Orca carbon frameset (worth £1700)! As the Devil Ride is not a race, this state-of-the-art frame will be be drawn out of a hat and will not be awarded on the basis of speed.

The other bit of news is that we have finalised the design of the commemorative jersey - this can be found at the bottom of The Jersey is a high quality item with advanced wicking properties - it is being produced for us by Bio-Racer of Belgium. Sizing information etc can also be found on the website.

If you have already entered the Devil Ride and pre-ordered a jersey you can now complete the payment by following this link (early entrants to the event were not given the option of paying at the time). If you have entered the event and now wish to add a jersey to your entry, please follow the same link to find instructions on how to do that.

There will be more updates as we get into the summer, and more photos from our test riders.

See you at the GFC,
Phil (Devil Ride, Autumn Epic).


  • ricadus
    ricadus Posts: 2,379
    Clicked on the jersey link and...
    This web page has attempted to run an ASP script.
    However, ASP has not yet been enabled for this domain.

    If this is your website, you can enable ASP or ASP.NET, using the Server options facility on your control panel.
  • FondoMan
    FondoMan Posts: 85
    That's odd - I just tried the link in Internet Explorer and in Firefox and it worked OK.

    Not sure what is happening there - perhaps if you go to our home page at click on Devil Ride, then on On-line Entry - there is another link to jersey payments towards the bottom of that page, just above the picture of the jersey (sounds a lot more long-winded than it really is!).