Hip problems

gjp112n Posts: 29
edited May 2008 in Road beginners
Well, this seems as good a place to ask as any ;-)

I've just taken up cycling for the first time in my life at the age of 49+

At the moment, I might do the mile or so to the shops once a week, and one weekly trip of 10,11 miles or so. On the longer trips, I often find if I have to stop and restart (negotiating gates and stiles on the canal bank) I get pain in the hip region, usually worse on the side I'm pushing off with.

Am I doing something wrong, or is it a case of age/lack of fitness, is there any excercise likely to help ?


  • whyamihere
    whyamihere Posts: 7,712
    I'd hazard a guess that your position's wrong, in particular the height of your saddle. I'd recommend going to a good bike shop and getting their help on setting your position correctly, as it can be very difficult to get right on your own, especially if you have little experience.
  • It could be one any number of things that are relatively easily corrected. However, at your age (and mine) osteo-arthritis is a possibility that can't be discounted. So I'd suggest a medical opinion if simple things like moving the saddle or using lower gearing doesn't give a rapid improvement.
  • ColinJ
    ColinJ Posts: 2,218
    It could be one any number of things that are relatively easily corrected. However, at your age (and mine) osteo-arthritis is a possibility that can't be discounted. So I'd suggest a medical opinion if simple things like moving the saddle or using lower gearing doesn't give a rapid improvement.
    I've got dodgy hips too, but cycling itself doesn't cause problems. What I do have to watch out for is how I mount and dismount. If I swing my leg too high, my hip aches for a week. Yes - I'm having problems getting my leg over :oops: !
  • Rich Hcp
    Rich Hcp Posts: 1,355

    I have one dodgy hip, if I set the saddle too high, I have problems.

    If in doubt, see the Doc!

    Giving it Large
    BUICK Posts: 362
    Having suffered from 'sore hips' in the past - I'd suggest going directly to get your back checked out. My sore hips ended up meaning I had great difficulty walking for an extended period of time as tissue damage to my back was affecting the nerve channels. Not intended to scare you, but just to advise that a problem can be misinterpreted easilly and not given the attention that it deserves, and that could prevent further issues
    '07 Langster (dropped one tooth from standard gearing)
    '07 Tricross Sport with rack and guards
    STUNNING custom 953 Bob Jackson *sigh*
  • Monty Dog
    Monty Dog Posts: 20,614
    Whilst a visit to the doc is always worthwhile with any worrying condition, it could also be due to poor alignment / twisting of the pelvis - may be worth getting a chiropractor or osteopath to look at your pelvis alignment
    Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..