Is it me .......... with Bike Radar ????



  • willhub wrote:
    I thought £300 for a bike was expensive!.

    That's a very healthy attitude, in my view. If it's more than you can easily afford without going short somewhere else, it's expensive.
  • weedy1
    weedy1 Posts: 143
    That's a very healthy attitude, in my view. If it's more than you can easily afford without going short somewhere else, it's expensive.

    Surely that applies to everything you buy not just bikes.
    If you are skint a High Def telly is 'expensive'.
    I'd rather get a cheaper telly/car whatever and a more expensive bike. (not sure my better half would see it like that :) )

    Its all about what you choose and managing your budjet.

    Back to the topic I would like to see reviews of lower cost bikes too. I enjoy the reviews of the >£1000 bikes though as there is nothing like a bit of bike porn !
  • Alibran
    Alibran Posts: 370
    I would have liked to see reviews of less expensive bikes when I was looking for mine. (I contented myself with reading and re-reading the one budget bikes review I've seen in C+ to find out about what different brands had to offer at that level.) Now I've got my bike (and I paid £500 for it, which is an awful lot of money here in Cornwall, even to someone on a "good wage"), I'm quite happy to read reviews of more expensive bikes. There's no harm in dreaming.
  • bigjim
    bigjim Posts: 780
    All down to who sponsors them and who their advertsers are. I doubt if any of the staffers are on £70K a year. It'all about money as usual.
