L-B on single speed...

Peacenik Posts: 292
I'm seriously considering attempting this year's London to Brighton on a Pearson Touche.

Am I mad?

I know I can do most of the ride without any problem - but I don't want to suffer the indignity of having to walk up Ditchling Beacon. The bike has an 18-48 ratio. Has anyone got experience of riding The Beacon on a fixie?
FCN - 3 (hairy-legged roadie)
FCN - 6 (single speed)



  • PaulRide
    PaulRide Posts: 122
    I've ridden fixed from London to Brighton over the beacon a few times and have found the beacon quite manageable on a 71" gear, even at a stupidly low cadence. I did it once on a 66" freewheel and it was actually harder, as I felt the dead spot in every turn of the cranks.

    My main worry on the BHF ride would be clashing with other riders - I have sometimes found myself really having to wrench the handlebars when hitting the little increases in gradient, and if you have the same issue you may have difficulties if there are loads of other riders wobbling around at the same time and stopping dead in front of you.

    But give it a go - the worst that is likely to happen is that you'll come to a graceful standstill in a crowd of other riders doing likewise, and you'll spend a few minutes walking to the top.