Scratch on rim?

dazzawazza Posts: 462
edited May 2008 in Road beginners
This morning when entering my work basement to park my bike the rear wheel (700x23) slipped into a grate at the entrance at speed. It must have been at the perfect angle as I have ridden over it many times without this happening.
Anyway the rim now has a deepish scratch on one side from the braking surface up to where the tyre makes contact. My new Krylion Carbon tyres appear to be undamaged and I haven’t checked the wheel for trueness yet.
Should I be worried about a scratch on the rim? I’ll post some photo’s when I get home.


  • Chris James
    Chris James Posts: 1,040
    I have a 3 mm long 'line' radially in my rear wheel rim (I think from my some roof bars fell near my bike).

    I measure the length occasionally to ensure that the crack is not extending (actually, it isn't a crack as such as it has a blunt end).

    Anyway, I have had the crack for over a year now and it has not changed at all. (For a bit of background, I am a mechanical engineer and my final dissertation at University was on fracture mechanics and crack propagation!)

    I wouldn't presume to tell you what you should do. I am sure someone will come along and point out that you should take no chances etc (do you really want to think about your rim when coming down a hill at 45 mph?).

    I would go with gut feel. If you think it is okay then just keep an eye on it. If you are worried then get a new rim.
  • Chris James
    Chris James Posts: 1,040
    NB , forgot to add that my 'crack' is a scratch in a similar area to yours. Not too deep but definitely more than superficial scratching.
  • Belv
    Belv Posts: 866
    For a bit of background, I am a mechanical engineer and my final dissertation at University was on fracture mechanics and crack propagation!
    Pah! What would he know?! :wink:

    Seriously, i'd probably change it if it was deeper than brake wear line.