Clarion Sportive last Sunday

jimmythecuckoo Posts: 4,716
Did anyone ride ? if so what did you reckon?


  • Piggy
    Piggy Posts: 43
    Very late reply so may not get an airing - anyway I did ride. Did 160KM which due to some missing signs ended up as 178KM - which was a bit of a shame - though as for me aim was mileage ahead of Etape in July, not too much of a disaster. Small field - very friendly - couple of feed stations cheerfully manned. Rode in a group for first 45mins - far too fast for me. Then did a few hours on my own - including grim flat bits in the fens - ok but was great to hook up with a group for the last 3 hours or so. Taught me how much easier group riding is - I do all my training on my tod. Anyway, glad I did it all in all - looking forward to Etape.
  • Dave Biggs
    Dave Biggs Posts: 136
    Rode the 100K (or the 120k as it turned out - ahem!), and enjoyed it too (except the flat windy bit).

    Had a three-day sportive at the end of the same week so it was good training.

    Will definitely do next years if they decide to run it again
    I\'ve got a really witty sign-off but someone else is using it
  • jimmythecuckoo
    jimmythecuckoo Posts: 4,716
    I have to ride the flat windy bit for training every weekend Dave!!!!
  • Dave Biggs
    Dave Biggs Posts: 136
    Ooh, my sympathies Jimmy! I'm based in Stamford so I get hills - the flat came as a bit of a surprise. Somehow I managed to be on the front when we hit that bit - I'm sure a little bit of local knowledge on behalf of the two Fenland guys I was with may have played some part!
    I\'ve got a really witty sign-off but someone else is using it