It's all going t*ts up

John C.
John C. Posts: 2,113
I trained in some lousy weather through winter, slogged up Boltby in the rain, Park Rash in the snow, I even did The Chimney in a blizzard. I lost that extra bit of winter weight, then 10 days to FW. day and warm weather. Yipee, summer bike out and I now have a dilemma, summer bike makes my winter long distance bike seem like a dinosaur, I know my summer shoes I've only ever done 40 miles in so should not be used and experience says to take the dinosaur as I'm comfortable on that, But.....................
If that wasn't all I've come down with the mother of all colds :cry: , the things I'm coughing up crawl , I swear these horrible yellow globs sneer at me :twisted: , I don't cough, I bark.
So if you see some poor sod on The Fred on two bikes coughing his guts up say hi and just tell me it's not far now
I do have a cunning plan, my mate Harry Potter has this wand thing............. :lol:

Fail to prepare, prepare to fail
Hills are just a matter of pace


  • Soreknees
    Soreknees Posts: 68
    You have my full sympathy. I have been sporadically training for the Bealach Beag on Sat when job, kids etc allowed. Thought I was getting on not too badly until last week when I went down with the evil offspring of the cold you've got. Spent 8 days feeling miserable and not going anywhere near a bike, then when I got back on it, didn't feel like going far at all. Things are improving slowly (they need to improve a damn sight faster) so I'm hoping Sat will be OK.

    Good luck with the Fred. Don't know what you're planning to do with a wand :shock: but hope you don't need to use it.......
  • ded
    ded Posts: 120
    OK I have to reply because I can beat either of you! I too was out training with the Bealach Beag in mind, but unfortunately some punter in a car "didn't see me" (no it wasn't dark!!!) and turned across my path when I was only 10 feet away... Result? Bashed up face, bashed up teeth, bashed up bike, hand in plaster. No Bealach Beag or Marmotte for me this year!!! :cry:

    Good luck to everybody else tho'! Just keep and eye out for the 4-wheeled devils :evil: ! Hopefully I'll be fit enough for a late season comeback...
  • Soreknees
    Soreknees Posts: 68
    ded, I no longer have any right to complain. Good luck with the recovery.
  • ded
    ded Posts: 120
    ded, I no longer have any right to complain
    Ha ha ha. No worries, I too have been known to moan about the lurgy. It's those children things, they just wander round collecting germs to bring home! And reading other forums there are plenty of people who can out-do me for random medical interruptions to their training!

    Have a good ride on Saturday - weather's not looking too special right now tho' :(
  • Soreknees
    Soreknees Posts: 68
    Au contraire! Weather looks fine to me. Overcast but dry and no wind. That'll do for me!! :lol::lol::lol:
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    John C. wrote:
    I trained in some lousy weather through winter, slogged up Boltby in the rain, Park Rash in the snow, I even did The Chimney in a blizzard. I lost that extra bit of winter weight, then 10 days to FW. day and warm weather. Yipee, summer bike out and I now have a dilemma, summer bike makes my winter long distance bike seem like a dinosaur, I know my summer shoes I've only ever done 40 miles in so should not be used and experience says to take the dinosaur as I'm comfortable on that, But.....................
    If that wasn't all I've come down with the mother of all colds :cry: , the things I'm coughing up crawl , I swear these horrible yellow globs sneer at me :twisted: , I don't cough, I bark.
    So if you see some poor sod on The Fred on two bikes coughing his guts up say hi and just tell me it's not far now
    I do have a cunning plan, my mate Harry Potter has this wand thing............. :lol:

    Yip, I've been up Wrynose and Hardknott East into a howling Easterly Gale...I went up the Rosedale Chimney alongside you in that blizzard!, and recently I did Hardknott and Wrynose West into a bloody Westerly Gale!...and been on countless other miserable runs into more wind and rain/hail/sleet/snow...think i'm all ready for the Fred now and last week whilst decorating...twang..groin strain...nursuing it with Ibuprofen and Movelat Gel and Ice...Brrrrr! but still fairly sore and only 3 days to go....what timing!...yes its all going t*ts up!
  • andy_wrx
    andy_wrx Posts: 3,396
    Get someone to kiss it better :wink:
  • John C.
    John C. Posts: 2,113
    I promise I will think of you at about 2.00 on Sunday when I'm going up Hardknott
    I can breath properly now and the gunge I bring up no longer sneers at me.
    Rich stop making excuses I'm going to wup you any way :lol:

    Fail to prepare, prepare to fail
    Hills are just a matter of pace